칼슘 Glycinate 분말
캐 스 아니.:35947-07-0
시험 방법:적정
외관:백색 미세한 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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칼슘 글리시네이트는 칼슘 강화제의 새로운 세대입니다.화학구조가 안정하고 수용성이 좋으며 흡수율이 높다.2개의 당질과 1개의 칼슘이온이 결합된 킬레이트된 물질로, 짧은 펩타이드 사슬이며 흡수를 위한 비타민 D의 협력이 필요 없으며, 장 상피세포막을 통과하기가 매우 쉬워 사람의 장을 통해 직접 흡수된다.
또한, 재료의 킬레이트 구조는 안정적이고, 인간의 장내에서 옥살산 phytic acid와 결합하기 쉽지 않으며, 음식과 고갈에서 다른 물질은 체내에서 돌 질병을 일으키지 않을 것이고, 인체에서 칼슘의 이용률을 크게 향상시킬 것입니다 칼슘 준비의 최신 세대입니다.
녹색 Spring 기술 용품칼슘 Glycinate 분말, 화학적으로 안정하고 생물학적으로 이용성이 높으며 수용성이고 쉽게 소화, 흡수되며 순하고 자극성이 없으며 독성의 부작용이 없는 것.이 글리신 분말은 색, 향, 방부제가 첨가되지 않은 백색의 고운 분말로 칼슘 강화의 좋은 원료이다.
2000년에 설립되었으며, 녹색 Spring은 식물 추출물, 천연 영양 성분 및 nutraceutical 성분의 공급을 전문으로 하는 중국의 선도적인 생명 공학 회사입니다.녹색 스프링 제품은 모두 EU EC396, EU 2023/915기준 및 최고 용매 잔류 표준을 준수하는 국제 최고 산업 표준을 구현합니다.완벽한 추적 가능 시스템을 구축했으며, 모든 제품을 추적할 수 있습니다.녹색 Spring은 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000 등과 같은 많은 인증을 획득했습니다.권위 있는 제3자 검사 보고서를 이용할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
칼슘 Glycinate
캐 스 가 없다.
시험 방법
하얀 가루
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
High Absorption Rate
Calcium Glycinate has been proven to be a kind of biologically active small molecule organic calcium with superior bio-solubility through clinical tests. As an effective carrier of calcium ions, it is a biologically active substance that can be recognized by the cell membrane and allowed to pass through the cell membrane, and it is very easy to pass through the cell membrane of the intestines and be absorbed by the intestinal tract directly so that it can achieve an absorption rate of more than 90% and an absorption capacity of 180mg/kg.
Increase Immunity
Calcium ions can activate many physiologically active enzymes or proteins in cells, thus reducing apoptosis of many cells, which is of great significance in improving immunity. Calcium glycinate can maintain and regulate many physiological and biochemical processes in the body, regulate the release of transmitters, increase the secretion of endocrine glands, maintain the integrity and permeability of cell membranes, and promote the regeneration of cells, thus enhancing immunity.
Highly Soluble
Calcium Amino Acid is completely soluble and maintains a stable structure in neutral (in water), acidic (in gastric juices), and alkaline (in intestines) environments, without consuming gastric acid or producing precipitates in the intestines.
No Toxic Side Effects
Calcium glycinate is extremely soluble in water, the viscosity increases when the solubility in water is larger, and when it reaches more than 95%, it becomes a colorless transparent solid colloid or a white solid powder. Amino acids are structurally stable when the aqueous solution is neutral or weakly alkaline. When amino acids and calcium ions are coordinated, covalent bonding occurs between the oxygen atom and calcium using the carboxyl group in the molecule. At the same time, the nitrogen atom in the amino acid provides the pair of electrons to form a coordination bond with the ion, forming a pentacyclic structure like most biological compatibilizers in the human body, which does not produce toxic side effects.
Maintaining Calcium Levels in the Blood
After being absorbed into the blood, Calcium Glycinate forms a slow-release mobile calcium reservoir, which dissociates calcium ions in the blood according to the body's needs for the muscle to utilize, and does not cause hypercalcemia due to high calcium ion concentration, nor does it lead to waste due to increased renal excretion.
Promote Bone Health
Calcium is the main component of bones and teeth. Osteoporosis patients often suffer from insufficient calcium intake or impaired calcium absorption, Calcium Glycinate, as a highly effective calcium supplement, can effectively replenish calcium and promote bone health.
For Healthcare Products:
As a new type of calcium supplement with a unique molecular structure and bioavailability, Calcium Glycinate plays an important role in promoting bone health, maintaining nerve conduction and muscle contraction, and participating in energy metabolism. Calcium Glycinate powder has good water solubility and biocompatibility and is easily absorbed and utilized by the body. In addition, it has high stability and safety, which makes it an efficient raw material for calcium supplements.
칼슘 글리시네이트 분말 COA