Creatine Powder

크 레아 틴 파우더

캐 스 아니.:6020-87-7


시험 방법:HPLC

외관:백색 결정 성 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • 크레아틴 파우더 (Creatine Powder) 란?

    크레아틴은 근육세포에서 발견되는 자연발생 물질로 아르기닌, 글리신, 메티오닌 3가지 아미노산으로부터 합성되는데, 인체는 음식에서 섭취할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 스스로 합성할 수 있다.크레아틴은 생선, 닭고기, 그리고 다른 살코기와 같은 다양한 육류에서 나옵니다.크레아틴이 함유된 보충제를 복용하면 마른 근육량의 무게를 늘리고, 회복에 도움을 주며, 근력을 키울 수 있다는 것이 수많은 연구에서 밝혀졌습니다.


    그린스프링은 스포츠 보충제에 널리 사용되고 있는 크레아틴 파우더를 순도가 높고 다른 첨가물이 없는 크레아틴 파우더로 공급합니다.


    2000년에 설립된 Green Spring Technology는 중국의 대표적인 식물 추출물 기술 회사입니다.nutraceutical 성분, nutraceutical 성분 및 식물 추출물의 연구, 개발 및 공급에 전념하고 있습니다.그린스프링은 체계적인 품질경영시스템을 갖추고 ISO, HACCP 등 품질기준에 따라 생산을 체계화하고 있다.제품은 최고 수준의 국제 산업 표준을 구현하며, 완벽한 추적 관리 시스템이 구축되었습니다.Green Spring은 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000 등과 같은 많은 인증서를 획득했습니다.



    제품 이름

    크 레아 틴 Monohydrate

    캐 스 가 없다.




    시험 방법



    White 결정 성 분말

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Helps Muscle Cells Produce More Energy

    Creatine supplements increase muscle stores of creatine phosphate, which promotes the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). During exercise, ATP molecules are broken down to produce energy, but the rate at which ATP is regenerated can limit your ability to sustain high-intensity exercise. Creatine supplements increase stores of creatine phosphate, allowing you to produce more ATP energy during high-intensity exercise, which improves performance. Creatine supplements increase the production of proteins that form new muscle fibers and increase levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a hormone that promotes muscle growth.


    Additionally, creatine supplements can increase the water content of muscles, known as cell volume increase, which leads to a rapid increase in muscle size. Some studies have shown that creatine reduces levels of muscle growth inhibitor (myostatin), which as the name suggests, is a molecule that inhibits muscle growth, and lowering myostatin levels helps build muscle faster.


    Improves High Intensity Exercise Performance

    Because of its direct effect on ATP production, creatine will greatly improve high-intensity exercise performance. Creatine also improves many factors including strength, sprinting ability, muscular endurance, fatigue resistance, muscle mass, recovery, and brain performance, and a review of studies found that creatine can improve high-intensity athletic performance by as much as 15 percent.


    Accelerates Muscle Growth

    Creatine is the most effective muscle building supplement, taking creatine for just 5-7 days can significantly increase lean body mass and muscle size. This initial growth is primarily caused by an increase in muscle water content, and long-term use of creatine promotes the growth of muscle fibers. In a study of a 6-week training program, participants who used creatine showed a significant increase in muscle mass compared to a control group, gaining an average of 4.4 lbs (2 kg) more muscle mass per person.


    Improves Brain Function

    Creatine plays an important role in brain health and function, the brain requires large amounts of ATP to perform difficult tasks. creatine increases phosphocreatine stores in the brain to help it produce more ATP, creatine also works by increasing dopamine levels and mitochondrial function, which can provide the brain with extra energy.


    Can Reduce Feelings of Fatigue

    Creatine can reduce symptoms of fatigue and tiredness by providing your brain with extra energy and increasing dopamine levels. In a 6-month study of patients with traumatic brain injury, creatine-supplemented patients experienced a 50% reduction in dizziness, plus only 10% of creatine-supplemented subjects experienced fatigue, compared to 80% of the control group. Another study found that during sleep deprivation, creatine reduced fatigue and increased energy levels during lack of sleep. Creatine also reduced fatigue in athletes participating in a cycling test while exercising in a hot environment.


    For Healthcare Products:

    Creatine powder is an effective nutritional supplement. Creatine supplementation can increase muscle creatine reserve, promote the re-synthesis of phosphocreatine and ATP after muscle contraction, thus ensuring the energy supply of muscles during high intensity repeated contraction, and improve the training effect and athletic ability. As one of the most popular sports supplements, creatine supplements have been widely researched in the field of sports science and are widely used by professional athletes as well as mass sports enthusiasts.

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