Black Maca
Maca Root Extract Powder

마카뿌리 추출가루 5:1

출처:블랙마카 루트

라틴어 이름:Lepidium meyenii Walp.

활성 성분:Lepidium meyenii Walp.


시험 방법:TLC

외모:Brown 파우더

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • Maca 뿌리 추출 분말은 무엇입니까?

    마카는 Lepidium meyenii Walp의 리좀이다., 남아메리카 페루 안데스 산맥이 원산지인 십자화과에 속하는 Macate Solanum 속의 식물.색깔에 따라 검은색, 흰색, 노란색, 빨간색 등 13가지 종류로 나뉜다.


    Maca 뿌리 추출 분말십자화과 허브 마카의 뿌리에서 갈색으로 추출한 분말 활성 성분입니다.연구에 따르면 흑마카의 영양성분이 황마카보다 우수하고 마카 추출물에 함유된 영양성분도 마카날가루보다 우수하다.마카 추출물은 체력을 강화하고 남성의 성기능을 향상시키며 여성의 내분비를 조절하며 다양한 보건품 첨가물로 사용되고 있다.


    Green Spring Technology는 마카 뿌리 추출 분말 5:1을 공급하며, 원료는 허브의 전 처리, 분쇄, 추출, 농도, 흡착, 용출, 분무 건조, 분쇄 및 시비 등 20개 이상의 절차를 거쳐 생산된 갈색에서 밝은 노란색 분말인 고품질의 블랙 마카에서 선택됩니다.


    2000년 설립된 그린스프링은 중국의 대표적인 생명공학 기업이다.ISO, HACCP 및 기타 품질 표준에 따라 생산을 조직하고 국제 최고 업계 표준을 구현합니다.이 회사의 제품은 EU EC396, EU 2023/915 및 최고 용매 잔류 기준을 준수합니다.그린스프링은 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 등과 같은 많은 인증을 획득했습니다.권위 있는 타사 테스트 보고서를 사용할 수 있습니다.


    제품 이름

    Maca 추출

    라틴어 이름

    레피듐 마예니 (Lepidium meyenii Walp)


    블랙 마카 루트 (Black Maca Root)

    유효 성분

    마카미드, 마카에네스, 마카다당류 등.



    시험 방법



    브라운 파우더

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Regulate Endocrine, Relieve Menopausal Syndrome

    Various alkaloidal active molecules rich in maca extract can effectively act on the lower part of the optic chiasm and pituitary gland to achieve the effect of regulating endocrine glands in the human body. The menopausal syndrome is mainly caused by aging and unbalanced secretion of endocrine glands, so the endocrine regulation of maca can also delay aging and relieve menopause.



    The active polysaccharides in the roots and leaves of Maca have a scavenging capacity for hydroxyl radicals, DPPH radicals, and superoxide anion radicals. Gan Jin studied the correlation between the antioxidant activity and secondary metabolites of Maca and found that the polyphenol content and alkaloid content of Maca had a highly significant linear correlation with the total antioxidant capacity, hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity, and lipid oxidation inhibition and that the H2O2-induced cell damage of SH-SY5Y in Maca had a protective effect, which increased the cell survival rate by 17.18%.


    Fertility Enhancement

    Fertility enhancement is one of the traditional effects of maca. The aqueous extract of maca can counteract organophosphate insecticide-induced sperm damage in mice and increase the number of sperm produced. Zhou Yi et al. showed that active polysaccharides in Maca can increase the mating rate of Drosophila by about 38% within 60 min. Maca alkaloids can increase the number of mature follicular vesicles, the number of spermatozoa and their mobility in animals, thus significantly improving the fertility of mammals and fish. The ability of maca to improve fertility is closely related to its active polysaccharides, alkaloids, and rich arginine and fructose.


    Nourishes Kidneys and Enhances Libido

    Maca extract is rich in rare macaene and maca amide, these two ingredients can be digested through the human body along with the blood into the hypothalamus of the brain. Thus fundamentally achieving the regulation of sex hormone secretion, can effectively regulate human sex hormone secretion.


    For Health Products:

    In 1999, American scientists discovered two kinds of maca extracts, namely macaene (macaenes) and maca amides (macamides), which can balance the hormones and promote the generation and secretion of hormones, and are known as "natural hormone engines". Maca is also rich in plant proteins, taurine and other components, which can effectively improve the body's anti-stress and disease resistance, the improvement of the immune system has a very good effect.


    The polysaccharide, mustard oil glycosides, sterols and other components in Maca extract  have a good antioxidant effect, and can effectively alleviate organ and cell aging, especially for female compatriots to maintain the body effect is very good. In addition, Maca dietary fiber, fructose and other anti-cancer, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular regulation of the efficacy of the human body in a variety of diseases have a very good role in the prevention and improvement. Maca extract has been used in many kinds of health product additives.


    In the Food Field:

    In Central and South American countries, such as Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and other countries, maca is used as folk medicine to enhance energy, improve fertility, relieve menopausal women's menopausal syndrome, alleviate depression, treat asthma and promote wound healing. Thousands of years of application history to give maca "Peruvian ginseng", "Peru's national treasure" and other reputations, maca has also become an indispensable delicacy in the diet of residents, such as processing into maca wine, maca pasta, maca drinks.

  • 마카 뿌리 추출 분말 51 COA

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