White Willow Bark
White Willow Bark Extract Salicin Powder

흰 버드나무 껍질 추출물 분말

제품 이름:흰 버드나무 껍질 추출 분말

출처:버드나무과에 속하는 바빌로니카 (Babylonica)의 마른 나무껍질

살리 신을 규격::90%, 98%

시험 방법:HPLC

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • 백버들껍질 추출분말이란 무엇인가?

    백양나무 껍질 추출물은 백양나무과 식물인 버드나무과의 껍질에서 추출하여 분무건조합니다.주요 활성 성분은 살리신으로, 갈색황색이나 백색 분말의 미세한 상태에 있으며, 갈색황색은 낮고 90% 이상의 백색 분말은 높다.살리신은 아스피린과 같은 성질을 가지고 있으며 전통적으로 상처를 치유하고 근육통을 완화시키는데 사용되는 강력한 항염증 성분이다.연구 결과 살리신은 항주름, 피부광채와 탄력증가, 색소침착 감소, 피부수분 증가 등의 효능이 있는 산화효소 (NADH oxidase) 억제제로 노화 방지, 각질 제거, 유분 조절, 여드름 피부관리 효과로 화장품에서 각광받고 있다.


    녹색 스프링 기술은 살리신 함량이 높고, 안정성이 좋으며, 미세한 분말과 양호한 수용성을 가진 화이트 버들 껍질 추출물 분말을 제공합니다.살리신 분말은 원료부터 완제품까지, 그린 Spring'의 전체 프로세스의 생산은 통제 및 추적 할 수 있습니다, 다양한 오염 물질의 검출은 글로벌 표준에 부합합니다.

    첨단 기술 기업으로서 Green Spring은 연구 및 개발에 뿌리를 두고 있으며 항상 고품질 및 매우 활성 식물 제품을 개발하는 데 전념해 왔습니다.7개의 인증, 7개의 특허를 보유하고 있으며, 전세계 62개 이상의 국가에서 제품이 판매되고 있습니다.모든 제품은 국제 최고 산업 표준인 EU EC396, EU 2023/915기준, 최고 용매 잔류 기준을 준수합니다.


    제품 이름

    흰 버드나무 껍질 추출물 분말

    캐 스 가 없다.



    버드나무과에 속하는 바빌로니카의 마른 나무껍질

    유효 성분

    살리 신


    살리 신:90%, 98%

    시험 방법



    고운 백색가루

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?



    The main active ingredients in White Willow Bark Extract powder are salicin and dextran. Salicin is an inhibitor of NADH oxidase, which has anti-wrinkle and anti-aging effects, and can increase skin luster and elasticity; dextran can improve immunity and activate cellular vitality, achieving anti-inflammatory and anti-wrinkle effects. Salicin has sound anti-inflammatory effects due to its aspirin-like properties.


    Acne Relief

    Willow Bark Extract can be used in cosmetics and personal care products due to its astringent, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties. It contains salicylic acid, a BHA, a natural exfoliant used in several acne treatments because it helps the skin shed dead cells while clearing pores. It also contains phenolic acids, including salicin, salicortin flavonoids, tannins, and minerals that help rejuvenate the skin.



    Salicin, the main active ingredient in White Willow Bark Extract powder, not only influences the regulation of genes in the skin but also regulates a group of genes related to the biological process of skin aging, which is known as the functional "youthful gene cluster". In addition, salicin plays an important role in the production and maintenance of collagen, one of the key proteins in the skin, thus increasing skin elasticity and achieving anti-wrinkle effects.



    Salicylin has the effect of gently removing dead skin cells on the skin surface, accelerating the shedding of aging skin cells, regulating the physiological activity of the skin stratum corneum, and has a regulatory effect on improving dandruff.


    Pain Relief

    Salicin or salicin is believed to be the source of white willow bark's anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving abilities. The pain-relieving power of white willow bark is usually slower to take effect but lasts longer than the effects of common aspirin products. One trial found that a single compound containing 100 ng of salicin was effective in improving pain relief in arthritis patients after two months of continuous use.


    Soothing menstrual cramps

    Often, menstrual cramps are usually the result of endometrial inflammation and prostaglandin-induced contractions. Willow Bark Extract is thought to regulate prostaglandin production and reduce inflammation, which not only helps to relieve cramps but also PMS symptoms.


    In Cosmetics:

    White Willow Bark Extract Powder is mainly used in the field of cosmetics for anti-wrinkle and anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and acne relief. Its performance in resisting skin aging is similar to that of rapamycin, which is achieved by regulating skin collagen, but White Willow Bark Extract has a higher safety profile.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    White Willow Bark Extract is mainly used in the field of medicine to treat fever, colds and infections.


    In the Feed Field:

    White Willow Bark Extract is mainly used in the field of natural feed additives as an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid.

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