Ashwagandha Extract Powder

Ashwagandha 추출물 분말

제품 이름:Ashwagandha 추출물 분말

검사: 5%

시험 방법: HPLC

외관:갈색 노란색 미세 분말

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  • Ashwagandha Extract 란?

    Ashwagandha, 인도 로도 알 려 져 있 인삼, 고대 의학은 흔 한 식물 고대 인도 아유 르 베다 의학에서 3 천 년이 되었다.조절제로 분류되며 상당한 항산화 능력과 면역 강화 기능을 인정받고 있습니다.수면을 유도하고 몸을 보양하고 튼튼하게 하며 각종 질병을 치료하는 중요한 약초로 인도사람들이 줄곧 사용해왔다.


    주로 Withanolides로 구성된 Ashwagandha 추출물은 높은 약리학적 가치를 가지고 있으며 남성 신부전 치료, 운동 후 근육 성장 촉진, 높은 요산 치료, 현대 젊은이들의 작업 압력, 불안 및 우울 완화, 정신 상태 개선, 체내 호르몬 분비 균형, 신체의 가장 편안한 상태를 신속하게 얻을 수 있습니다.동시에 아슈와간다추출분말은 항산화 및 노화방지 효과도 있어 갱년기를 지연시키고 주름과 반점에 저항하며 보습과 진정, 피부의 수분과 유분의 균형을 잡아준다.


    Green Spring 기술이 제공하는 Ashwagandha 추출물 분말 다환 방향족 탄화수소와 에틸렌 산화물은 유럽 표준을 충족하고 제품 품질을 보장하며 권위있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공합니다.


    제품 이름

    Ashwagandha 추출물 분말

    라틴어 이름

    (영어) Withania Somnifera Radix

    캐 스 가 없다.



    Withania Somnifera Radix 뿌리

    유효 성분




    시험 방법



    브라운 노란색 고운 가루

    농약 잔류 물을

    그것은 (EC) No 396/2005에 부합한다.


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Stress Relief

    Ashwagandha Extract Powder can help reduce adrenaline stress, lower the hormone cortisol, improve sleep quality, relieve sleep disorders and shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. It is very helpful for those who suffer from great stress in their lives, effectively relieves chronic stress symptoms, lowers pulse rate and blood pressure, balances serum cholesterol levels, and reduces depression and anxiety. A 2012 study in the Indian Medical Journal showed that the South African heuchera may "improve personal resistance to the effects of stress".


    Promote Male Reproductive Health

    Ashwagandha extract has a great help in reducing male sperm count. It can increase sperm concentration, sperm quantity, and sperm activity, enhance and optimize male hormone hormones, optimize testicular function, and quickly improve fertility.


    Beneficial Sleep

    Cortisol, also known as stress hormones, can cause emotional and brain problems such as anxiety, poor sleep, and depression if the body is exposed to excessive levels of stress hormones for a long time. Additionally, it may also lead to problems such as obesity and abnormal blood sugar. Research has found that supplementing Ashwagandha Extract Powder can significantly reduce the concentration of cortisol in the blood, indicating that South African drunken eggplants can participate in regulating stress hormones in the body, helping the body reduce stress problems.


    Enhances Immune Function

    Ashwagandha extract powder is an adaptogen that reduces the body's stress hormones, which can help boost your immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Animal and laboratory studies have shown that it can enhance immune function by increasing immunoglobulin production. It is also able to promote an anti-inflammatory environment by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines. By down-regulating the immune system when it is compromised, this adaptogenic herb may be a useful tool in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases.


    In Healthy Food:

    Ashwagandha extract powder can relieve mental stress, enhance sleep and immunity, and has been widely used in the field of healthy food.


    In Cosmetics:

    Beauty products on the market mainly use the root extract of Ashwagandha. According to industry research, the core element of Ashwagandha Extract Powder can inhibit the NF-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, which helps to reduce the level of inflammatory proteins, regulate cytokine expression, and help the skin to alleviate the inflammatory response. Recently, some experts have confirmed that South Africa's intoxicating eggplant root extract has certain advantages in anti-photoaging, anti-wrinkle, and skin brightening.

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