비트 추출물 분말
라틴어 이름:Beta Vulgaris L.
시험 방법:자외선
외관:보라색 빨간색 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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비트 추출 분말은 신선한 비트, 수용액 추출, 정제, 분무 건조를 선택하여 얻은 짙은 자주색의 미세한 분말입니다.신선한 비트의 영양소와 맛을 유지하고, 즉시 녹으며 섭취하기 쉽습니다.활성 성분은 베타인, 페룰산, 올레아놀산, 펙틴, 아미노산 등이다.
녹색 봄 기술은 높은 품질을 공급합니다Red Beet 분말, 탈수 및 분무 건조에 의해 붉은 비트로 만들어집니다.이것은 비트 본연의 색, 풍미, 영양분을 그대로 가지고 있으며 첨가물이 없고 순전히 자연적이다.
Green Spring Technology는 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 등과 같은 많은 인증을 획득한 중국의 대표적인 생명공학 회사입니다.ISO, HACCP 및 기타 품질 기준에 따라 엄격하게 생산을 조직합니다.이 제품은 국제 최고 산업 표준을 구현하며 EU EC396, EU 2023/915 및 최고 용매 잔류 표준을 준수합니다.
제품 이름
사탕무 추출
라틴어 이름
학명 Beta Vulgaris L.
시험 방법
자홍색 가루 (Purple Red Powder)
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Improve Athletic Performance
Several studies have found that supplementing with beetroot juice improves the amount of oxygen absorbed by muscles during exercise. A 2019 study found that high doses of beetroot juice improved time trial results in experienced cyclists. Eating beets can improve exercise performance by increasing oxygen consumption and prolonging fatigue. To maximize the effects of exercise, the best time to use it is 2-3 hours before a training session or race. Beetroot juice promotes the production of nitric oxide in the muscles, increasing blood flow and oxygen levels.
Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Nitrates in beetroot are one of its main components that are beneficial to cardiovascular health. In the body, nitrates can be converted into nitric oxide (NO), an important vasodilator that helps relax the walls of blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. In addition, the potassium content of beetroot helps to maintain heart health, as potassium is an essential mineral for maintaining heart rhythm and stable blood pressure. Studies have shown that regular consumption of beetroot improves blood vessel function and reduces high blood pressure, which may help prevent cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. In addition, the antioxidant content of beetroot may also help lower blood cholesterol levels, further maintaining cardiovascular health.
Helps Lower Blood Pressure
A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association points out that there is an organic nitrate in the beet plant, which is a key substance to help lower blood pressure. Nitrate can help increase the concentration of nitric oxide gas in the blood, which in turn helps to relax smooth muscle, relax blood vessels, and promote blood circulation, and the amount of nitrate in the beetroot is about 20 times more than that of the average vegetable.
Promote Digestion
Beetroot contains betaine which keeps the stomach neutralised and gives the body hydrochloric acid, which accelerates the body's absorption of protein and effectively aids digestion. When too much stomach acid can inhibit, too little can also stimulate the secretion of stomach acid to maintain the neutralization. Beetroot extract can indirectly maintain the health of the liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney and other internal organs; with and choline, lecithin biochemical pharmacological function is an effective regulator of metabolism.
Reduces the Chance of Cancer
Betacyanin, a pigment in beetroot, is an excellent antioxidant with anticancer properties. In a 2011 study conducted by Howard University in Washington, D.C., USA, it was found that betacyanin could inhibit the growth of tumors in prostate or breast cancer cells, but the direct relevance of beetroot for cancer prevention requires further experimental evidence. However, the direct relevance of beetroot for cancer prevention has yet to be confirmed by further experiments.
Improve Anaemia
Beetroot powder is rich in folic acid and iron, consumption can prevent iron-deficiency anaemia, beetroot should be an ancient traditional therapy, is the treatment of a variety of blood disorders in an important drug, often eat beetroot powder, for prevention anaemia, prevention and treatment of various blood disorders.
Improves Blood Circulation to the Brain
Maintaining good blood circulation in the brain is a good way to help stimulate human cognitive ability, and may even prevent the development of dementia in old age. A 2011 study by Wake Forest University in Northern California reported that beetroot can slow down the deterioration of dementia. The reason for this is that beetroot improves vasodilatation, and its high folic acid content is the main reason for this.
Beetroot contains folic acid and vitamin C (another strong antioxidant). Beetroot also contains potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and nitrates. Potassium lowers heart rate and regulates metabolism. The other red compound is called betalains, another antioxidant and plant compound. All beets contain betaine antioxidants, a red and yellow pigment found in plants. Beets are also yellow in addition to red. Beetroot is rich in minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals. As well as containing inorganic nitrates and phytochemicals, both of which are good plant compounds for health.
In the Food Field:
Beetroot extract powder is often used as a natural pigment for colouring food. Its bright fuchsia colour can bring an attractive appearance to food products and increase consumers' appetite. In foods such as candies, pastries and beverages, beetroot powder can be used as a natural pigment to replace synthetic colours, giving foods a more natural and healthy colour. At the same time, beetroot powder also has good stability and light resistance, which can ensure the stability of the colour of food during processing and storage.
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