D Panthenol Liquid

D 판테놀 리퀴드

제품명:D 판테놀 리퀴드


시험 방법:HPLC

외관:맑고 점성이 있으며 다소 흡습성이 있는 액체

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • D 판테놀 리퀴드란?

    프로비타민 B5로도 알려진 D 판테놀은 판토텐산의 co 활성 물질이자 코엔자임 a.의 전구체로서, 판토텐산과 비교하여 d-판테놀은 분자량이 205에 불과하여보다 안정적인 특성을 가지며, 각질층까지 효과적으로 침투할 수 있다.빠르게 판토텐산으로 전환되며, 체내에서 코엔자임 A로 전환됩니다.코엔자임 A는 체내에서 다양한 효소 반응 경로의 보조 인자로 세포 에너지 대사에 참여하고 신체에 에너지를 공급'의 생명 활동.뿐만 아니라, 피부 속 다양한 주요 성분의 대사에도 참여합니다.


    D 판테놀은 피부 표면의 점막과 광택을 보호해 질병 발생을 예방할 수 있는 중요한 비타민 약물이다.영양 보충제로서 D 판테놀은 의약품, 식품, 화장품 산업에서 널리 사용되며, 경구용 액체, 안약, 복합 비타민 주사, 샴푸, 무스, 보습제 등과 같은 특정 제형으로 사용됩니다.수용성 비타민 군에 속하는 D 판테놀은 피부 보습과 모발 관리에 좋은 역할을 할 수 있습니다.


    그린스프링기술은 불순물이 없는 고순도 D 판테놀 액체를 공급한다.용제 잔류물 및 농약 잔류물은 유럽 연합 및 미국 약전 기준을 준수합니다.그린스프링의 생산 공정은 원료부터 제품까지 제어가 가능하고 추적이 가능하며 각종 오염물질 검출이 글로벌 기준에 부합한다.우리는 권위있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.


    제품 이름

    D 판테놀 리퀴드

    캐 스 가 없다.




    시험 방법



    투명하고, 점성이 있고, 다소 흡습성이 있는 액체입니다

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Long Lasting Moisturizing Effect

    D Panthenol Long-Term Moisturizing Mechanism: The intercellular lipids in the stratum corneum are important structures for maintaining skin barrier function. The latest research has found that the intercellular lipid arrangement in the stratum corneum of dry skin is different, and it is in a rigid environment with poor fluidity. D panthenol itself contains hydroxyl groups, which have hygroscopic and water retaining properties. Simultaneously promoting lipid synthesis, increasing the fluidity of lipid molecules and keratin microfilaments. Improving the rigid environment between keratinocytes helps maintain healthy skin barrier function.


    The clinical research results show that the use of cream containing D panthenol liquid on healthy skin can effectively increase the moisture content of the stratum corneum, and there is a certain dose effect relationship; In addition, after the surfactant SLES destroys the skin barrier function, the use of panthenol containing cream can effectively reduce transdermal water loss (TEWL) and improve the skin barrier function.


    Soothing Sensitive Skin

    The soothing effect of D panthenol mainly comes from two aspects. On the one hand, D-panthenol can protect against oxidative stress damage. Under the influence of internal and external stress factors, cells will produce reactive oxygen species free radicals. When the cell's ability to clear free radicals is insufficient, the accumulated free radicals will have adverse effects on skin health and aging.


    D panthenol can reduce the production of reactive oxygen species in skin cells, while upregulating the skin's own antioxidant mechanisms, including inducing the expression of more antioxidant factors - heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in skin cells, thereby improving the skin's antioxidant capacity. On the other hand, panthenol can reduce inflammatory response. After stimulating keratinocytes with capsaicin, the release of inflammatory factors IL-6 and IL-8 is significantly increased. However, after panthenol treatment, it can inhibit the release of inflammatory factors and thus alleviate the inflammatory response and relieve it.


    Repair Skin Damage

    The research results indicate that after treating the laser injury model with D panthenol liquid, the expression of the marker Ki67 for keratinocyte proliferation increases. This indicates that more keratinocytes enter a proliferative state, promoting epidermal regeneration. At the same time, the expression of Filaggrin, an important marker of keratinocyte differentiation and barrier function, also increased, indicating the promotion of skin barrier repair. The expression effect of D-panthenol on KI67 and silk fibroin.


    The results show that the laser wound diameter shrinks faster after the use of cream containing 5% panthenol after carbon dioxide dot matrix laser surgery, which continues to be better than the control cream. At the same time, the re epithelialization score was also significantly higher than that of the control cream, suggesting that in the laser injury model, panthenol showed the role of promoting the proliferation and differentiation of epidermal cells and accelerating the repair of laser induced epidermal damage.



    In Cosmetics:

    D panthenol liquid used in skin care products can stimulate cell division and proliferation, promote normal keratinization, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and have a preventive effect on intense sunlight moisturizing. A new study in 2019 showed that panthenol promotes wound healing faster than mineral oil and can also improve scars. It is used in hair products such as shampoo and conditioner, which can nourish, moisturize, repair hair, reduce entanglement, increase hair density, improve hair luster, and make hair shiny and oily.


    In the Food Field:

    As the same metabolic process as vitamin B5 in organisms, D panthenol liquid can be used as a nutritional supplement and enhancer to promote the metabolism of proteins, fats, and sugars in the human body.

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