안약 등급 히알루론산 나트륨 분말 대량
제품 이름:안약 등급 나트륨 히알루론산 분말 대량
검사:≥ 99%
분자 무게:1.00x1000000Da
학년:Eye-drop 학년
외관:백색 또는 거의 백색 분말
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나트륨 히알루론산 분말은 무엇입니까?
히알루론산나트륨은 히알루론산의 나트륨 소금 형태로, 관습적으로 히알루론산, 또는 HA 라고도 한다.히알루론산은 분자량을 기준으로 고분자량 히알루론산, 중분자량 히알루론산, 저분자량 히알루론산, 올리고머 히알루론산의 4가지로 나눌 수 있다.
히알루론산나트륨은 인체 세포의 간질, 안구의 유리체, 관절의 활액 등의 결합조직의 주성분이며 수분 보유력, 세포 밖 공간 유지, 삼투압 조절, 윤활 작용 및 체내의 세포 회복을 촉진하는 특성을 가지고 있습니다.태반, 양수, 수정체, 관절연골, 피부의 진피 등의 조직이나 기관에 널리 존재한다.세포질과 세포간 기질에 분포되어 있으며 그 안에 포함된 세포와 세포 및 기관 자체에 윤활유 및 영양공급 역할을 한다.
Green Spring 제공안약은 히알루론산 나트륨 등급입니다 파우더대량, customers&에 따라 사용자 정의 할 수 있는 분자량#39;필요, 1,000 kDa의 특정 저분자량에서 3,000 kDa;10K-100K Da;그리고 100K-500K Da.그린스프링은 제품의 지속적인 혁신을 지원하기 위한 강력한 R&D 팀과, 제품의 품질을 보장하기 위한 전문적인 품질관리팀을 보유하고 있습니다.이 히알루론산 나트륨 분말의 생산은 완전히 통제 및 추적이 가능한 한편 원료에 잔류하는 농약은 엄격하게 모니터링되며 다양한 오염 물질의 검사는 글로벌 기준에 부합합니다.권위 있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
아이드롭 등급의 히알루론산 나트륨 파우더
Eye-drop 학년
≥ 99.
시험 방법
흰색 또는 거의 흰색 분말
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
The moist level of the skin is closely related to the content of hyaluronic acid. With aging, the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases, which weakens the skin's water-retaining function and produces wrinkles. Sodium hyaluronate aqueous solution has strong viscoelasticity and lubricity, coated on the surface of the skin, and can form a layer of moisturizing and breathable film to keep the skin moist and bright. Small molecules of hyaluronic acid can penetrate the dermis, promote blood microcirculation, conducive to the skin's absorption of nutrients, and play beauty and anti-wrinkle health effects.
Sodium hyaluronate has the highest moisture absorption at low relative humidity (33%) and the lowest at high relative humidity (75%). This unique property is adapted to the skin's requirement for the moisturizing effect of cosmetics in different seasons and different environmental humidity. The moisturizing property of sodium hyaluronate is related to its quality, the higher the quality, the better the moisturizing property.
Sodium hyaluronate is a biological substance inherent to the skin, and exogenous sodium hyaluronate supplements endogenous sodium hyaluronate in the skin. Smaller quality sodium hyaluronate can penetrate the epidermal layer of the skin to promote the supply of skin nutrients and excretion of wastes, thus preventing skin aging and playing a cosmetic and nourishing role.
Sodium hyaluronate is a polymer with a strong lubricating sensation and film-forming properties. Skin care products containing sodium hyaluronate powder have a clear sense of lubrication when applied and feel good. When applied to the skin, it can form a film on the surface of the skin, giving the skin a good sense of smoothness and moistness, and playing a protective role for the skin. Hair care products containing sodium hyaluronate can form a film on the surface of the hair, play a moisturizing, lubricating, hair care, eliminating static electricity and other effects so that the hair is easy to comb.
Enhancement of Medicinal Efficacy
Sodium hyaluronate is a major component of the connective tissues that make up the body's intercellular matrix, the vitreous body of the eye, and synovial fluid in joints. It has the properties to exert water retention, maintain extracellular space, regulate osmotic pressure, lubricate, and promote cell repair in the body. As a carrier of ophthalmic drugs, sodium hyaluronate prolongs the retention time of the drug on the ocular surface by increasing the viscosity of the eye drops, improving the bioavailability of the drug, and reducing the irritation of the drug to the eye.
In Cosmetics:
As an efficacious cosmetic raw material, hyaluronic acid powder has been widely used in face masks, toners, creams, lotions, essence products, and shampoo and hair care products. Sodium hyaluronate can moisturize the skin, improve skin texture, increase skin elasticity and luster, etc.
For Health Product:
Sodium hyaluronate powder often does not appear as a single health food raw material, usually with other raw materials for compounding. In the health care function for improving skin moisture products, commonly used with sodium hyaluronate with raw materials such as collagen, vitamin C, etc.; in the health care function for enhancing bone density products, commonly used with sodium hyaluronate with raw materials such as chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride/sulfate, calcium carbonate, etc.
In the Food Field:
Sodium hyaluronate and products containing it as a main ingredient are currently permitted to be added to food or dietary supplements in Japan, Korea, the United States, the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil. Health food and food products containing hyaluronic acid have become very common in foreign countries.
In Pharmaceutical:
In the medical field, sodium hyaluronate can be used in the treatment of joint diseases, eye surgery, plastic surgery, etc. It can relieve pain, reduce bleeding, and promote healing.
안약 등급 나트륨 히알루론산 분말 대량 COA