Feed Grade Chlorella Powder

급 Chlorella 분말

출처:Chlorella Vulgaris

활성 재료:단백질


테스트 방법:Kjeldahl 결정

외관:진한 녹색 미세한 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • 사료 등급 클로렐라 분말 (Feed Grade Chlorella 파우더) 이란?

    클로렐라 (Chlorella)는 클로렐라문 클로렐라속 (Chlorella)의 구형 단세포 담수 알가이다.20억년 전에 나타난, 지구상의 초기 존재 중 하나였다.클로렐라는 광합성 autotrophy에 의해 성장하고 번식하는 효율적인 광합성 식물이다.클로렐라 세포는 엽록소가 풍부하고 광합성이 매우 강하다.클로렐라는 단백질, 비타민, 미네랄, 식이섬유, 핵산엽록소 등이 풍부한 양질의 녹색 영양원 식품이다.고단백, 저지방, 저당, 저열량, 풍부한 비타민과 미네랄의 장점이 있고 일부 특수한 건강관리 기능도 있다.


    그린스프링테크놀로지는 사료등급 클로렐라 분말을 공급하는데, 클로렐라 분말은 영양이 풍부하고 고단백, PUFA 가 풍부하며, 특수 생리활성 물질뿐만 아니라 다양한 항산화 물질을 함유하고 있습니다.다당류와 같은 것은 면역력을 강화하는 효과가 있어 양식동물에게 매우 유익하다.또한 사료의 계수를 줄이고 사료의 이용률을 향상시킬 수 있습니다;그것은 소화를 촉진하고 암모니아와 질소의 방출을 줄일 수 있습니다.


    2000년 설립된 그린스프링은 중국의 대표적인 생명공학 기업이다.체계적인 품질경영시스템을 갖추고 ISO, HACCP 등 품질기준에 따라 생산을 체계화하고 있다.그린스프링은 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9000, ISO22000 등과 같은 많은 인증을 획득했습니다.우리는 권위있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.


    제품 이름

    Chlorella Powder


    Chlorella Vulgaris

    유효 성분




    시험 방법

    Kjeldahl 결단력


    짙은 녹색의 Fine Powder

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Improve the Disease Resistance of Aquatic Animals

    Chlorella growth factor, also called chlorella essence, is a cellular active substance, including amino acids, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, peptides, proteins, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Foreign research on its physiological functions, its physiological functions include activation of lymphocytes, can enhance the immune ability of aquatic animals; activation of body cells, so that the growth and development of seedlings to accelerate resistance to the invasion of foreign diseases; promote the repair of injured tissues; can alleviate the organic matter, heavy metals and other toxicity of aquatic animal diseases.


    Highly Nutritious Natural Bait

    Chlorella has a high protein content and can be an important source of single cell protein (SCP). Chlorella is rich in amino acids, vitamins, and other nutrients that are essential for humans and animals. Chlorella is highly adaptable and can grow rapidly in both freshwater and seawater. In aquaculture, Chlorella is often cultivated as a kind of highly nutritious natural bait, or directly sprinkled into aquaculture water for filter-feeding aquatic animals.


    Enhancement of Dissolved Oxygen in the Water Column

    Chlorella is a photo-autotrophic organism, which can form a material cycle system with aquatic animals, i.e. the carbon dioxide exhaled by aquatic animals can be used for the growth of Chlorella, and the oxygen produced by Chlorella can be used for the respiration of aquatic animals so that the aquatic animals can have more abundant oxygen for growth and activities. Yang Jiajuan and other experiments at different temperatures proved that Chlorella can increase the dissolved oxygen in the water body at room temperature. After cultivating Chlorella in the water body, in just 8 hours, the normal water temperature (20-30 ℃), the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water increased by 2 times, it can be seen that Chlorella can indeed increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water body.


    Reduce Ammonia, Nitrate, And Nitrite Content in Water

    At present, in the pond aquaculture water, nitrite content is high phenomenon has been quite serious. Not only lead to fish, shrimp, and other disease resistance, easy to attract a variety of pathogenic bacteria attacks, and in serious cases, even caused by the culture of objects suddenly large-scale deaths, causing serious losses to the farmers, greatly limiting the development of the aquaculture industry, so it must be prevented. Nitrate is one of the products of the nitrogen cycling process in nature, the main form of nitrogen-containing compounds in the water body is organic nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen. Chlorella growth in the water body, not only can release oxygen, prompting the conversion of nitrite to nitrate, but also can directly use the ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, so that the ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, and nitrite content in the water body is greatly reduced.


    Changing the pH Of the Water Body

    pH is an important water quality parameter in aquaculture. China Fishery Water Quality Standard stipulates that the pH range of freshwater is 6.5~8.5, and it is generally believed that the most suitable water for aquaculture is weakly alkaline water, with a pH of 7~8.5. Chlorella can improve the pH of the water body, raise the acidic water quality to the range suitable for aquatic animal growth, and it will not be too high.


    Enhancement of Immunity

    Chlorella contains a variety of components with immunomodulatory activity, among which the immune function of "CGF" in Chlorella has been widely reported in the literature, and the immune activity of "CGF" in Chlorella has been reported from the animal level and cellular level respectively, and it has been found that "CGF" in Chlorella has the effect of enhancing immunity. The immune activity of CGF from Chlorella was reported at an animal level and cellular level respectively, and it was found that CGF from Chlorella has the effect of enhancing immunity. In addition, studies have shown that proteins and polysaccharides extracted from Chlorella also have immunomodulatory activities.



    For Feed Product:

    The nutrition of chlorella can be developed into organic animal feed, pet feed, ornamental fish feed, etc. to provide more comprehensive nutrition for animals. Using human-grade chlorella as a raw material, it promotes eye health, repairs skin problems caused by dermatological disorders, enhances the digestive health of the gastrointestinal system, reduces bad breath and body odor, and strengthens the immune system, among other holistic nutrient supplements in the body.


    For Healthcare Products:

    Chlorella's rich nutrients can help the body to improve the gastrointestinal tract, enhance immunity, regulate blood lipids, lower blood sugar, anti-fatigue, liver protection, lead detoxification, antioxidant, and other health effects. The most representative unsaturated fatty acid is arachidonic acid, which has the physiological activities of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood fat, and anti-atherosclerosis. Chlorella powder has a wide range of applications in the healthcare industry.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    With a variety of nutrients and attributes, Chlorella is used in biomedicine for antihypertensive medicines, hypolipidemic medicines, diabetic medicines, chemotherapeutic adjuvant medicines, etc. Its special CGF active factor is also effective for burns and scalds, sports injuries, and small wound healing.


    In the Food Field:

    Chlorella is nutritionally balanced and rich and is used as a food additive in a variety of pasta, soya products, bakery products and other foods. Noodles with Chlorella powder are nutritionally balanced and have the characteristic colour and flavour of Chlorella proteolytica. Biscuits with chlorella powder are rich in nutrition, dietary fibre and moderate sweetness. Chlorella powder added to bread, and cake products, is rich in nutritional value, fresh taste, healthy and delicious. Chlorella powder added to drinks, is rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals, protein, etc., nutritious and healthy. Suja Fruit Drinks, invested by Coca-Cola, has always been a cold-pressed juice-based beverage. It has launched an organic fruit and vegetable juice with superfoods chlorella.

  • Feed Grade 클로렐라 분말 COA

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