마실 수 있는 식품 학년 히알루론산 분말
제품 이름:마실 식품 학년 히알루론산 분말
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외관:백색 또는 거의 백색 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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마실 히알루론산 가루는 관절염 증상을 효과적으로 완화시키고 관절 기능을 보호할 수 있다.히알루론산 분말을 적당하게 섭취하면 골 흡수 표지인 피리디늄과 디옥시피리디놀의 수치를 정상 수준으로 낮추고 골밀도를 높일 수 있다.히알루론산 파우더는 온화하고 오래 지속되며 더 안전하고 안정적이며 신체를 자극 & 할 수 있습니다#39년생 속부터 피부 활력이 생긴다.현재 가장 보편적인 히알루론산 제품은 응용을 위한 국소 스킨 케어 제품과 필링과 쉐이핑을 위한 주사 제품이다.오늘날, 마실 히알루론산 분말은 중요한 화장품 스킨케어 성분으로 구강 미용 제품에서 발견됩니다.
연구에 따르면 마시기 위한 히알루론산 분말은 체내에서 외인성 분해, 흡수, 재합성을 통해 내인성 히알루론산의 함량을 증가시켜 피부를 촉촉하고 매끄럽고 부드럽고 탄력 있게 만들어 전반적인 미용 및 건강 관리 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.히알루론산 파우더-히알루론산이 함유된 음료는 관절의 활액을 증가시키고 연골 회복을 촉진하며 염증을 억제하고 통증을 완화시킨다.
Green Spring 기술 공급마실 수 있는 식품 학년 히알루론산 분말, 쉽게 흡수되고 첨가제, 용매 잔류물 및 중금속이 없으며 안전하며 신뢰할 수 있는.소화를 통해 위장으로 들어간 뒤 분해, 흡수, 혈액에 의해 몸 곳곳으로 운반되면서 내인성 히알루론산을 증가시킨다.우리는 도포, 주사, 경구 히알루론산 제품과 함께 화장품 학년, 제약 학년, 식품 학년 히알루론산 분말 원료를 공급할 수 있습니다.
그린스프링에서 공급하는 모든 제품은 EU EC396, EU 2023/915 및 최고 용매 잔류 기준을 준수하는 국제 최고 산업 표준을 이행하고 ISO, HACCP 및 기타 품질 기준에 따라 생산을 조직합니다.우리는 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 및 기타 많은 인증을 통과했습니다.권위 있는 타사 테스트 보고서를 사용할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
마실 수 있는 식품 학년 히알루론산 분말
≥ 87%
분자 무게
음식 학년
흰색 또는 거의 흰색 분말
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Increase Skin Moisture
In numerous studies, daily intake of hyaluronic acid powder to drink at different doses in dry skinned people and healthy people, respectively, is effective in improving dry skin and increasing skin moisture. These reports suggest that consuming 120 or 240 mg/day of hyaluronic acid can help increase skin moisture and improve dry skin.
Improvement of Wrinkles
Hyaluronic acid powder to drink was shown to alleviate wrinkles in a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Sixty Japanese male and female subjects aged 22-59 years who developed crow's feet were randomly assigned to hyaluronic acid molecular weights of 2k or 300k or placebo groups. Subjects were given HA or a placebo at a dose of 120 mg/day for 12 weeks. In the wrinkle volume ratio after 8 weeks of ingestion, the hyaluronic acid group with 2 molecular weights was significantly lower than the placebo group (p<0.05).
The questionnaires showed that both the hyaluronic acid 2k and hyaluronic acid 300k groups showed an increase in lustre and suppleness after 4, 8 and 12 weeks compared to the placebo group; while in terms of wrinkles, the placebo, hyaluronic acid 2k and hyaluronic acid 300k groups showed a significant decrease after 8 and 12 weeks. A comparison of microscopic images of the outer corners of the eyes before and after 8 weeks of ingestion showed an improvement in wrinkles in both the hyaluronic acid 2k and hyaluronic acid 300k groups, whereas there was little change in the placebo group. It was confirmed that ingestion of hyaluronic acid powder improved skin radiance and suppleness and reduced skin wrinkles.
The human subjects were divided into a hyaluronic acid-testing group and a control group by a double-blind method using both self- and between-group control designs. Changes in serum levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were analyzed in both groups. The results showed that the SOD activity in the hyaluronic acid group was higher than that in the control group, and the content was significantly higher compared with that before the own test. This indicates that oral administration of hyaluronic acid capsules has an in vivo antioxidant effect.
In the Medicine Field:
Hyaluronic acid, as a mucopolysaccharide, has been shown to regulate cell adhesion, differentiation and proliferation as well as maintain normal tissue biomechanical properties. Hyaluronic acid powder is highly popular in the medical field. The water retention and lubricating properties of hyaluronic acid may provide some relief from dry eye disease. According to studies, it has been proven that 0.3% hyaluronic acid eye drops alone can alleviate the symptoms of 81.8% of patients with dry eye disease. In addition, hyaluronic acid powder can be used to prevent tissue adhesions after surgery, effectively reducing the occurrence and severity of adhesions. It also relieves pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and reduces phagocytosis by macrophages, thereby improving the inflammatory response.
In Pharmaceutical:
In addition to external use, hyaluronic acid can also be taken internally, especially in the food and pharmaceutical fields. Hyaluronic acid powder can be used as a drug carrier to form compounds with target drugs. In the body it plays a slow-release effect and targeting effect, so that the target drug extends the time of action, to maximize the drug effect.
In Cosmetics:
Hyaluronic acid powder can be used as an injectable filler and topical application due to its moisturizing, viscoelastic, and biocompatible properties. The ingredient can be used as a dermal filler for the treatment of frown lines between the eyes, forehead lines, crow's feet, etc. It can effectively lift and tighten facial wrinkles and sculpt the contours, with a maintenance time of about 3~6 months. In addition, hyaluronic acid powder can also be added as a restorative ingredient in lotions, essences, creams, and masks to promote skin moisturization, water locking, barrier repair, and anti-aging.
In the Food Field:
The water-locking and film-forming properties of hyaluronic acid powder are used as food additives in major countries (Japan, France, South Korea, etc.) and added to health products or functional foods.
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