Hyaluronic Acid Powder Bulk

히알루론산 분말 Bulk

제품 이름:히알루론산 분말 대량

검사:≥ 95%


등급:화장품 등급; 식품 등급

외모:백색 가루

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  • 히알루론산 파우더란?

    히알루론산, 히알루론산이라고도 알려져 있으며, 약자는 HA (히알루론산), 분자식 (C14H21NO11)n 이며, 거대 분자 mucopolysaccharides로 구성된 D-glucuronic acid와 N-acetylglucosamine입니다.그것은 관절강, 피부, 눈의 유리체, 연골, 탯줄 및 기타 조직과 같은 결합 조직 및 동물과 인체의 세포 밖 기질에서 널리 발견됩니다.히알루론산은 강한 점탄성과 습윤성을 가지고 있습니다수분 공급 및 보습, 윤활, 기타 독특한 효과와 함께 세포 밖 기질의 중요한 구성 요소이지만 세포 복구를 위해서도 사용됩니다.히알루론산의 나트륨 염 화합물은 자연에서 안정하므로 히알루론산나트륨이 많이 사용되며, 화장품에서 자주 언급되는 히알루론산이 히알루론산나트륨이다.


    Green Spring 기술은 식품 등급을 공급합니다나트륨 hyaluronate, 화장품 등급 나트륨 히알루론산, 및 특정 저 분자량 히알루론산.특정 저분자량 히알루론산 분말은 분자량이 1,000 kDa 내지 3,000 kDa인 특수 처리된 히알루론산이다.일반 히알루론산에 비해 특정 저분자량 히알루론산의 분자량이 낮으면 피부에 더 쉽게 흡수되는 느슨한 분자구조를 형성해 보습력 및 안티에이징 특성이 우수합니다.또한, 특이적 저분자량 히알루론산이 피부 세포 재생과 회복을 촉진해 피부 손상 및 노화 증상 완화에 도움을 준다.정확하게 제어되고 균일하게 분포되며 구조적으로 안정되어 더 나은 보습과 안티에이징 특성을 제공합니다.


    제품 이름

    히알루론산 분말 Bulk

    캐 스 가 없다.



    ≥ 95%

    분자 무게

    800K-1500K Da


    화장품 학년, 식품 학년

    시험 방법



    하얀 가루

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?



    Hyaluronic acid is essentially a mucopolysaccharide which is highly hydrophilic. The carboxyl and other polar groups in the hyaluronic acid molecule can combine with water to form hydrogen bonds. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body, mainly between the human epidermis and dermis, and mainly plays a role in water retention. According to experiments, hyaluronic acid can absorb up to hundreds of times its own weight in water, making the skin hydrated.


    Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Inflammatory

    Hyaluronic acid has film-forming characteristics and can easily form a hydrated film to isolate bacteria and provide an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, hyaluronic acid and proteins combine in the skin matrix to form a protein complex, and the gel formed by this substance ensures the metabolic water-holding function of cells, preventing the invasion of harmful substances and preventing infection.


    Repair of Damaged Cells

    Hyaluronic acid promotes skin regeneration at the site of injury by promoting the proliferation and differentiation of epidermal cells and scavenging oxygen free radicals. Studies have shown that when the skin has ulcers and mild burns, applying products containing hyaluronic acid powder can relieve pain, accelerate healing and reduce scarring.



    Hyaluronic acid hydrates the skin cells, it not only moisturizes the skin but fills up the cellular spaces, making the skin full and elastic. It also increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, making it look younger.


    Lubricates Joints

    Hyaluronic acid is widely found in the bones and joints of the body, connecting tissues, joints, tendons, and cartilage structures, particularly a type of cartilage called hyaline, which covers the ends of bones and provides cushioning. Because hyaluronic acid helps cushion bones and provides resistance to wear and tear, it can be used to alleviate clinical treatments associated with degenerative joint disease.


    Hyaluronic acid forms a coating on the synovial membrane of two joint bones and produces synovial fluid. The synovial fluid is a "mucus" that helps the joint absorb shock, maintain flexibility, and deliver nutrients to the cartilage.


    In the Food Field:

    Hyaluronic acid powder can be used as a preservative in the field of food, hyaluronic acid can inhibit the growth of bacteria and molds, and prolong the freshness of food; it can also be used as a nutritional supplement, hyaluronic acid can replenish the hyaluronic acid required by the human body, and promote cellular metabolism and improve immunity. It can also be used as food packaging, with freshness, moisture, noise reduction, and other functions. Commonly, there are hyaluronic acid oral liquids, capsules, tablets, hyaluronic acid snacks, candies, beverages, milk and dairy products, alcohol, and so on.


    In Cosmetics:

    The advantage of hyaluronic acid in cosmetics is its powerful moisturizing, anti-aging, shaping, and anti-inflammatory effects, which can provide good skin care. At the same time, hyaluronic acid is safe and not easy to cause sensitive reactions, so it has received widespread attention and application. For example, hyaluronic acid can be seen in functional skin care products, facial masks, oral care toothpaste, functional mouthwash, functional shampoo, body wash, and other cosmetics.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Hyaluronic acid is commonly found in the biomedical field in eye drops, oral sprays, mucosal patches, joint fillers, and subcutaneous injections for wrinkle reduction and contouring. Medical grade hyaluronic acid should be safe, non-hazardous, and should meet the standards of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and its safety should be verified through clinical trials.

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