나토키나제 분말 20000FU
제품명:나토키나제 분말
외관:노란색 백색 오프 백색 분말
시험 방법:자외선
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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나토키나제 분말 20000FU 란?
나토키나제는 분자량이 UK, SK, tPA보다 훨씬 작은 단백질로, 식품 낫토에서 추출하거나 낫토 세균에 의해 생산됩니다.장에 흡수되어 체외 및 체내에서 나토키나제의 혈전 용해가 가능합니다.나토키나제의 체내 혈전 용해 활성은 플라스민의 4배이며, 체내의 작용은 신속하고 오래 지속됩니다.또한 체내의 tPA를 활성화시켜 경미하고 지속적으로 혈액의 섬유 분해 활성을 증가시킬 수 있습니다.
나토키나제의 활동 함량은 나토키나제 제품의 품질을 측정하는 주요 표준입니다.나토키나제의 국제 표준 단위는 " 푸"로, 각 나토키나제 제품에 들어있는 나토키나제 함량을 나타냅니다.FU 값이 클수록 나토키나제의 활동 함량이 높고 혈전을 녹이는 능력이 강합니다.
나토키나제 분말 20000FU20000FU인 나토키나제 분말의 나토키나제의 함량을 나타냅니다.이런 나토키나제는 활성이 높고 혈전을 녹이는 능력이 강합니다.
그린 스프링 기술이 좋은 효능을 보장하기 위해 비타민 K2를 제거하는 나토키나제 파우더 20000 푸를 공급합니다.그린스프링은 전문 연구팀, 엄격한 생산관리팀, 전문 영업팀이 있습니다.우리는 23년 동안 천연, 안전, 유기농 식물 추출물을 고객에게 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.당사가 제공하는 모든 제품은 최고 국제 산업 표준, EU EC396, EU 2023/915기준, 최고 용매 잔류 기준을 준수합니다.Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 등과 같은 여러 인증을 통과했습니다.우리는 권위있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
Nattokinase 파우더
캐 스 가 없다.
시험 방법
Yellow White-off White 분말
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Nattokinase is a highly competitive new thrombolytic agent that has a bidirectional thrombolytic effect. The thrombolytic power is strong, rapid and long-lasting. It indirectly achieves thrombolysis by directly breaking down the thrombus and increasing the amount of tissue tissue cytoplasmic plasminogen activator.
At the same time, the precursor of activated urokinase is converted into active urokinase to decompose the enzyme by acting on the thrombus, effectively dissolving the thrombus. Compared with the 3-5 minutes action time of urokinase, the action time of Nattokinase is up to 8 hours, and it is safe and without side effects. The use of Nattokinase powder can improve the blood environment, clean up the vascular rubbish, reduce the discomfort symptoms caused by various blood clots, thus making the condition better.
Lowering Blood Pressure
Nattokinase powder, an extract of natto, is very beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Nattokinase is a special enzyme in natto, and an effective element in natto with health functions, which can reduce blood pressure by preventing the formation of blood clots and promoting the dissolution of blood clots, which leads to smooth blood circulation.
Reduce Fat and Cholesterol in Blood
Nattokinase has the effect of inhibiting platelet coagulation, which has the function of preventing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, lowering cholesterol and smoothing blood flow. Natto is best consumed after dinner. This is because thrombotic diseases, such as myocardial infarction tend to attack at night or in the morning, and the rate of thrombus dissolution is higher 2-8 hours after consuming natto. So eating natto at night can effectively prevent the onset of such diseases. In addition nattokinase powder has a certain cholesterol-lowering effect, can be used as an adjunctive drug therapy to lower cholesterol.
Alcohol Detoxification
Nattokinase powder also has the function of alcohol detoxification: after Nattokinase enters the human body, it builds an alcohol protection barrier through three channels: it enters the human liver system to break down the pressure of liver detoxification and assist in the detoxification of alcohol; it enters the human vascular system to form a key protective barrier in the cerebrovascular region to resist the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the brain; it enters the human digestive system to rapidly form a protective barrier to accelerate the acid secretion of the digestive tract and to promote the detoxification of alcohol. Alcohol detoxification. Taking Natto can quickly resolve the adverse effects of alcohol and prevent next-day drunkenness.
The natto bacteria in Nattokinase can reach the intestinal tract, activating the beneficial intestinal bacteria, inhibiting the proliferation of bad bacteria and reducing carcinogens. It also discharges harmful substances, improves constipation and reduces the burden of liver decomposition.
Studies have shown that nattokinase powder supplementation is effective in inhibiting the process of atherosclerosis. The study observed a significant reduction in intima-media thickness and carotid plaque in people who were supplemented with nattokinase for 26 weeks. The mechanism of this anti-atherosclerotic effect of nattokinase is not well understood. Early studies have shown that it is a combination of the multifaceted functions of nattokinase, which include antithrombotic, blood clotting, antioxidant (resistance to lipid peroxidation), and lipid-lowering.
For Health Products:
Nattokinase powder has a very good elimination of reactive oxygen species, free radicals, and their complementary, synergistic combined effect is very significant, very conducive to the recovery of pancreatic islet cells, Nattokinase's most notable function is to have the effect of dissolving blood clots, which has been used in the production of a variety of health products.
나토키나제 파우더 20000FU COA