Natural Astaxanthin Oleoresin 10%
Haematococcus Pluvialis

천연 Astaxanthin Oleoresin 10%

제품 이름:천연 Astaxanthin Oleoresin 10%

출처:Haematococcus Pluvialis


시험 방법:HPLC

외관:붉거나 검붉은 기름진 점성이 있는 액체

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • 천연 Astaxanthin Oleoresin은 무엇입니까?

    사용할 수 있는 100% 천연 아스타잔틴의 최고급 원천은 헤마토코쿠스 플루비알리스입니다.분말의 순도는 5 퍼센트까지입니다;그리고 아스타잔틴 올레오레신은 10 퍼센트에 달한다.바디 &를 상당히 향상시킬 수 있습니다#39;s 면역력과 골격근에 비특이적으로 결합 할 수있는 능력으로 인해 상당한 항 피로 효과가 있으며 근육 세포에서 운동으로 생성 된 활성산소를 효과적으로 제거하고 유산소 대사를 강화 할 수 있습니다.


    Astaxanthin oleoresin, 일반적으로 levo-astaxanthin 함량은 5%, 10% 또는 20%-40%입니다.아스타잔틴 오일은 대부분 용매 추출 공정이나 초임계 추출 공정을 사용한다.붉은 색 또는 검붉은 색의 유성 액체이다.


    천연 Astaxanthin Oleoresin 10%Green Spring Technology에서 공급 하는 것은 made of nature's는 Haematococcus Pluvialis의 astaxanthin 함량이 가장 높다 그리고 무균실을 통해 해조류를 배양하고 있습니다.폐쇄적이고 고압의 환경은 조류가 빠르게 아스타잔틴을 축적하게하고, 그 다음 순수한 아스타잔틴 올레오레신을 축적하게 한다 독점적 추출 기술을 사용하여 추출됩니다.이를 통해 중금속 및 유기용제 잔류 방지 및 품질 보증이 가능합니다.


    Green Spring Technology의 생산은 ISO, HACCP 및 기타 품질 기준에 엄격하게 따릅니다.품질 기준이 충족되도록 엄격한 내부 품질 관리 프로세스를 갖추고 있습니다.유럽약전, 미국약전, 일본약전을 준수하며 잔류농약, 중금속, 용제잔류 등은 국제기준에 부합합니다.권위 있는 타사 테스트 보고서를 사용할 수 있습니다.



    제품 이름

    천연 Astaxanthin Oleoresin 10%

    캐 스 가 없다.



    Haematococcus Pluvialis



    시험 방법



    붉거나 검붉은 기름진 점성이 있는 액체

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다



    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?



    Oxidative damage is caused by the reaction between free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Astaxanthin has a unique molecular structure with the presence of hydroxyl and keto groups on each ionic ring, which leads to high antioxidant properties. Carbonyl functional groups in carotenoids have high antioxidant activity and are not pro-oxidant. The polyene chain of astaxanthin traps free radicals in the cell membrane, while the terminal ring of astaxanthin scavenges some of the free radicals in the outer and inner layers of the cell membrane. Astaxanthin is a strong antioxidant a known fourth-generation antioxidant.


    Relieves Visual Fatigue

    Carotenoids play an important role in protecting against UV oxidation in nature, and their presence can be detected in tissues exposed to direct sunlight. UV damage to the eyes and skin has received widespread attention. Astaxanthin is more effective in preventing UV oxidation of lipids than β-carotene and lutein. Thus the UV-protective properties of astaxanthin play an important role in maintaining eye and skin health.


    The main diseases causing visual damage and even blindness are age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and age-related cataracts, both of which are associated with photo-oxidative processes within the eye. Epidemiological studies have shown that oxidation increases the risk of AMD. Dietary supplementation with carotenoids (especially lutein and zeaxanthin) reduces the incidence of cataracts and AMD. Lutein and zeaxanthin are mainly concentrated in the optic macula; astaxanthin is structurally similar to lutein and zeaxanthin, but astaxanthin has stronger antioxidant and UV-protective effects.


    Relieve Exercise Fatigue

    When the body exercises muscles will release free radicals, these free radicals if not treated by antioxidants promptly, will produce oxidative stress. Resulting in muscle soreness or damage to muscle tissue. Studies have shown that astaxanthin can accumulate in the gastrocnemius muscle and cardiac muscle, and effectively reduce the exercise-generated 4-hydroxynonenal modification of proteins and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyuridine content as well as creatine kinase, peroxidase activity. Therefore astaxanthin can effectively delay gastrocnemius and cardiac muscle fatigue and reduce the occurrence of delayed muscle soreness.


    For Health Products:

    A large number of studies at home and abroad have shown that astaxanthin can effectively remove free radicals generated by exercise in muscle cells, strengthen aerobic metabolism, and have significant anti-fatigue and delayed aging effects. As a raw material, astaxanthin oleoresin is also used in healthcare products.


    In the Food Field:

    In the food industry, astaxanthin can not only be used as immune enhancers, anti-ageing agents and other functional ingredients added to food but also able to play an effective role in preserving freshness, colour, flavour, quality and so on, as a food colouring agent, antioxidant and so on. Used to maintain the original nutrients of food without damage to the loss or improve the sensory properties, enhance the attractiveness of food to consumers.


    Natural astaxanthin oleoresin is a fat-soluble pigment with a brilliant red colour, natural and realistic, very strong pigment deposition ability, strong colouring power, safe and non-toxic, low dosage, no bad taste and good taste. It can be directly used in foodstuffs, such as edible fats and oils, margarine, ice cream, candies, pastries, noodles, seasonings, etc. Especially the foodstuffs containing more lipids, which have both a good colouring effect and a remarkable quality preservation effect. It can also be used for colouring beverages, especially for fruit juice containing VC.


    In Cosmetics:

    With astaxanthin being widely known by the public, astaxanthin oleoresin is used as a cosmetic ingredient, which can be used in skincare products to resist UV rays, inhibit melanin production, whiten, and moisturize the skin.


    For Feed Product:

    The application of astaxanthin oleoresin in feed can increase the immunity of the fed animals, enhance their resistance to infectious diseases, and improve the survival rate and reproduction rate of the animals.

  • 천연 Astaxanthin Oleoresin 10% COA

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1% 베타카로틴 분말 냉수용성


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