순수한 이눌린 분말 90%
제품 이름:순수한 이눌린 분말 90%
시험 방법:자외선
외관:백색 미세한 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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이눌린은 수용성 식이섬유이며 식물에서 자연적으로 발견되는 다당류이다.Asteraceae 과에 속하는 치커리와 이눌린의 뿌리에서 많이 발견된다.이눌린은 이런 식물의 뿌리덩어리에서 단백질과 무기질을 제거한후 분무건조하여 얻은 흰가루이다.다른 식이섬유와 마찬가지로 이눌린은 허약, 장벽 기능, 포도당 항상성을 개선하는 등 장내 식물체와 대사산물을 조절함으로써 잠재적인 건강상의 이점을 발휘한다.
그린스프링 기술은 분무 건조 및 기타 공정을 통해 치커리의 뿌리에서 얻은 순수한 이눌린 파우더를 공급합니다.새콤한 풍미나 뒷맛이 없는 순수한 단맛이 있고, 수용성이 좋고 수분 흡수력이 강하다.그린 스프링 기술로 공급되는 제품은 유럽 약전, 미국 약전, 일본 약전을 준수한다.농약잔류량, 용제잔류량, 중금속 등은 국제표준에 부합된다.권위 있는 타사 테스트 보고서를 사용할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
순수한 이눌린 분말
라틴어 이름
시코륨 인티버스 L.
캐 스 가 없다.
치 커리 루트
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농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Control of Blood Lipids
Inulin powder intake can effectively lower serum total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), increase HDL/LDL ratio and improve lipid profile.Hidaka et al. reported that in elderly patients aged 50-90 years old, who ingested 8g of short-chained dietary fibre per day for a fortnight, the levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol in the blood decreased. Yamashita et al. gave 8g of inulin to 18 diabetic patients for a fortnight and the total cholesterol was reduced by 7.9%, but HDL-cholesterol remained unchanged. In contrast, the above parameters did not change in a control group consuming food grains.Brighenti et al. observed an 8.2 per cent reduction in total cholesterol and a significant 26.5 per cent reduction in triglycerides in 12 healthy young men who consumed 9 g of inulin in their daily cereal breakfast for four weeks.
Many dietary fibers lower blood lipid levels by absorbing fat from the intestine and forming a fat-fiber complex that is excreted in the feces. Moreover, inulin ferments itself into short-chain fatty acids and lactates before it reaches the end of the intestinal tract, and lactates are regulators of liver metabolism. Short-chain fatty acids (acetate and propionate) are used as fuel in the blood, and propionate inhibits cholesterol synthesis.
Lowering Blood Sugar
For diabetic patients, rational arrangement of diet is the main method of treatment. Inulin has a slightly sweet flavor and is a fructose polymer, which is not decomposed or absorbed during the process of passing through the human oral cavity, stomach, and small intestine. Therefore, inulin will not affect the blood glucose level after being ingested through the oral cavity, and it can be used as food for diabetic patients.
Research on the mechanism of inulin in lowering blood sugar levels has attracted more and more scientists' attention. Some scholars believe that the high viscosity of inulin leads to an increase in the thickness of the intestinal mucosa, which reduces the absorption of glucose; some scholars believe that, on the one hand, the short-chain fatty acids produced by the fermentation of inulin promotes the synthesis of hepatic glucose, while oligofructose promotes the body's absorption of Mg2+, which reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
Improve Gut Function
Improvement of intestinal function Inulin is prebiotic, which is a non-digestible food ingredient that selectively stimulates and promotes the growth and vitality of one or several microorganisms in the colon that are beneficial to the health of the host, promoting host health. Inulin can ferment in the human colon and proliferate bifidobacteria by 5-10 times, while at the same time inhibiting the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, which can significantly improve constipation and diarrhea caused by the abuse of antibiotics.
Fermentation of inulin in the colon improves the microflora and gas volume, thus promoting intestinal peristalsis, shortening the residence time of feces in the colon, making movement faster, reducing water absorption time, increasing the weight of feces, and effectively preventing constipation. At the same time also increases the excretion of feces, so that the carcinogenic substances in the intestinal tract are also diluted, therefore, the carcinogenic substances on the intestinal bi-cells to reduce the stimulation, are conducive to the prevention of colon cancer.
Promotes Mineral Absorption
Dietary fibre in the daily diet can reduce the intestinal absorption of certain minerals. However, ingestion of inulin as a soluble dietary fibre does not inhibit the absorption of minerals but instead promotes the absorption of minerals such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+. Any inulin mineral complexes are degraded during fermentation by intestinal flora, releasing the minerals and making them more favourable for intestinal absorption. In addition, the acid produced by fermentation lowers the colonic pH by 1-2 units, making many minerals more soluble and bioavailable. Moreover, short-chain fatty acids, especially butyric acid, stimulate the growth of colonic mucosal cells and improve the absorption capacity of the intestinal mucosa.
Inulin Powder Application In the Food Field:
1. Processing Low-Fat Foods
Inulin is an excellent fat substitute, when mixed completely with water it forms a creamy structure, which makes it easy to replace fat in food products and provides a smooth texture, good balance, and complete flavor. It can replace fat with fiber, increase the compactness and texture of the product steadily improve the dispersibility of the emulsion, and replace 30-60% of fat in the processing of creams and spreads.
2. For High Fiber Diet
Inulin has good solubility in water, which allows it to combine with water-based systems. It is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber, unlike other fibers that cause sedimentation problems. Using pure inulin powder as a fiber ingredient is very convenient and can improve sensory properties. They can help the body achieve a more balanced diet, making it a high fiber food ingredient.
3. Probiotics Food Ingredients
Inulin can be used by beneficial bacteria in the human intestinal tract, especially in bifidobacteria proliferation 5~10 times. At the same time, harmful bacteria will be significantly reduced, improve the distribution of human body flora, and promote health, inulin has been listed as an important bifidobacteria proliferation factor.
4. For Milk Beverages, Sour Milk, Liquid Milk
Add inulin 2~5% in dairy drinks, sour milk, and liquid milk, so that the product has the function of dietary fiber and oligosaccharides in addition to increasing the consistency, giving the product a thicker creamy texture, better balance of the structure and fuller flavor.
5. For Bakery Products
The inclusion of inulin in bakery products is used to develop new concepts of bread, such as probiotic bread, multi-fiber white bread, and even multi-fiber gluten-free bread. Inulin can increase the stability of the dough, adjust the absorption of water, increase the volume of bread, improve the uniformity of the bread flesh, and the ability to form slices.
6.For Fruit Juice Drinks and Functional Water Drinks
Add pure inulin power 0.8~3% in fruit juice drinks, functional water drinks, sports drinks, fruit dew, and jelly, which can make the drink flavor more intense, and better texture.
7. For Milk Powder, Cheese, Frozen Desserts
Adding 8~10% of inulin to milk powder, fresh milk dried food slices, cheese, and frozen desserts can make the products more functional, and have more intense flavor and better texture.
8. For Health Food
At present, inulin has been approved by more than 40 countries in the world as a nutritional supplement for food. Pure inulin powder is used as the raw material and carrier of various health foods to prevent and control constipation, diabetes, obesity, and so on. For regulating intestinal flora, regulating blood lipids, promoting calcium or mineral absorption and other health foods or functional foods (diet foods), inulin is one of the best ingredients or functional components.
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