Yeast Beta Glucan Powder 70% UV

효모 베타글루칸 분말 70% 자외선

제품 이름:효모 베타 글루칸




시험 방법:자외선

외관:오프 화이트 또는 황색 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • 효모베타글루칸 분말이란?

    덱스트란 (dextran) 이라고도 하는 효모 베타글루칸은 다당류이다.생장과정에서 일부 미생물이 분비하는 점액속에 존재한다.현대 연구에 따르면 Agaricus blazei는 생물학적 활성이 높은 B 글루칸을 가장 풍부하게 함유하고 있습니다.효모 β-glucan은 미세의 세포 벽에서 추출 되, 자연에 속하는 glucan 다당류 효모 세포 벽의 내면 층에 있다.


    효모 베타글루칸 분말은 beta-1,3-D-glucan을 주사슬로하고 beta-1,6-D-glucan을 가지사슬로 하는 구조를 가지고 있다.더 강한 면역 강화 활성을 가지고 있으며 면역 건강을 지원하는 자연 선호 성분입니다.사람의 장을 통과한후 소장의 점액세포에서 대식세포에 흡수되여 대식세포의 식균작용능력을 높인다.그 body'의 면역 체계는 모든 종류의 만성 질환을 더 잘 예방하기위한 최적의 균형을 빠르게 가져 옵니다.


    녹색 봄기술공급 효모베타글루칸분말 70% 자외선은 자가분해, 효소분해, 분리, 농도등 고신기술을 리용하여 효모세포의 단백질과 핵산을 분해함으로써 단백질이 풍부한 식용효모로부터 정제된 연한 노란색의 분말이다.


    그린스프링기술은 ISO, HACCP 등 품질기준에 의거 엄격한 내부 품질관리 과정을 거쳐 생산을 체계화합니다.독립적인 테스트 실험실과 첨단 테스트 기기로 그린 스프링은 완벽한 추적성 시스템을 구축했으며, 모든 제품을 추적할 수 있고, 소스에서 완제품에 이르기까지 각 제품마다 상세한 테스트, 그리고 생산 보고서가 있어 생산 공정의 모든 링크를 통제하고 조사할 수 있도록 했습니다.Green Spring은 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 및 기타 많은 인증을 통과했습니다.권위 있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.




    제품 이름

    효모 베타글루칸 분말

    캐 스 가 없다.




    시험 방법



    Off-White 또는 Yellowish 분말

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Anti-Radiation, Neutralization of Chemical Toxins

    When ionizing radiation or chemical toxins penetrate biological tissues, the energy of the particles of the rays or chemical molecules is absorbed directly by biological macromolecules. Through ionic diffusion and the action of free radicals, other biological molecules are chemically altered, resulting in physical and chemical damage. Beta Glucan's unique inverted triple helix structure neutralises toxins in the body and promotes haematopoiesis.


    Yeast beta glucan enhances haematopoietic activity, including granulocyte production, mononuclear leukocyte production and erythrocyte production. This leads to better recovery from lethal doses of radiation or toxins. The United States Air Force Biological Research Centre treated mice with lethal doses of radiation and toxins and found that 80 per cent of the individuals in the animals that received prior oral administration of yeast beta glucan were completely unaffected by the toxic effects.


    Removes Toxins

    Yeast Beta Glucan Powder can stimulate and enhance the phagocytic activity of NK cells, macrophages, and other immune cells, and stimulate the release of interleukins to enhance the body's ability to resist harmful toxins. It can effectively enhance the body's ability to remove toxins and improve the body's immunity.


    Repair of Cells

    The anti-radiation effect of glucan is a result of the promotion of haematopoietic functions. Yeast Beta Glucan powder enhances haematopoietic activity, including the production of granulocytes, mononuclear leukocytes, and organ tissue cells. Thus, the cells of the organism damaged by the lethal dose of radiation are restored.


    Blood Lipid Regulation

    Research has found that yeast Beta Glucan powder can significantly lower the level of triglyceride, lower the level of LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and increase the level of HDL (high-density lipoprotein). It also raises the level of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), effectively preventing coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.



    The main goal of current research into the anticancer function of yeast beta glucan is to enhance the activity and phagocytosis of macrophages present in higher mammalian tissues. One of the functions of beta glucan is that it enhances the ability of macrophages to do so. Yeast beta glucan powder increases macrophage phagocytosis up to several times more and usually has a strong inhibition rate against mutated cells. It protects and enhances the immune cell's ability to fight, while further targeting dormant, drug-resistant, and subclinical foci of "residual tumor cells" for targeted killing.


    Scavenging Free Radicals

    Dr. Patchen of the US Air Force Radiobiology Research Centre reported that beta glucan powder is effective in scavenging free radicals from the body, thus protecting macrophages from free radical attack after exposure to radiation and allowing these macrophages to continue to function normally.


    Immunity Enhancement

    The active structure of yeast beta glucan is a polysaccharide made up of glucose units, most of which are bound via beta-1,3. This is the way the glucose chains are linked and it activates macrophages, neutrophilic white blood cells, etc. Increases the levels of leukocytin, cytokinin, and specialized antibodies. Comprehensively stimulating the body's immune system at the same time, it has a very good repair effect on the damaged cells. Yeas beta glucan can make the injured body's lymphocyte's ability to produce cytokines (IL-1) quickly return to normal, effectively regulating the body's immune function.


    In the Food Field:

    In 2010, the Ministry of Health Announcement No. 9 approved yeast beta glucan as a new food ingredient, and in 2012, the Ministry of Health Announcement No. 6 categorised its function as a nutritional fortifier and extended its use to larger infant formula milk powder. Internationally, yeast beta glucan powder has been certified for food safety by the European Union and the United States.


    In Cosmetics:

    Small molecule yeast beta glucan powder has good transdermal absorption properties. It has excellent moisturising and nourishing effects and can promote the synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts, promote wound healing, and repair damaged skin, and has been used as an active ingredient in cosmetic raw materials. In addition, yeast glucan can inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme that promotes melanin production, blocking the conversion of tyrosine to melanin to achieve the effect of whitening the skin.


    For Health Products:

    Yeast beta glucan powder can be used as a raw material for health food and medicine, to enhance immunity, resist radiation, regulate blood lipids, and other functions.

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