D Mannitol Powder

99% D만 니톨 분말 대량

제품 이름:D만 니톨 분말 대량


시험 방법:HPLC

외관:백색 결정 성 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • D 만니톨 분말은 무엇입니까?

    D 만니톨은 천연 6 탄소 당 알코올로 호박, 버섯, 양파, 해초에서 처음 발견 1806년, Proust 처음 만나 꿀 나무에서 성공적으로 분리, 이름으로부터 만니톨.d-만 니톨은 백색 분말 결정인 6 탄소 선형 폴리올이며, 분자식은 C6H14O6, 분자량은 182.17입니다.만니톨 널리 만니톨은 해조류, 과일, 식물 잎, 그리고 거의 모든 야채에 소량 함유되어 있습니다.


    D 만니톨 분말처음에는 감미료 및 희석제로 사용되었지만, 나중에 이뇨 및 탈수 효과도 있다는 것이 밝혀져 의학 분야에서 사용되었습니다.만니톨의 약리학적 작용은 주로 혈장 삼투성을 증가시키고 간질액에서 혈장으로 물을 이동시켜 사구체 여과율과 소변 출력을 증가시키고 나트륨, 칼륨과 같은 전해질을 배설시킴으로써 조직 부종을 감소시킨다.


    D 만니톨 분말의 임상 응용은 주로 뇌 부종 치료, 두개내 및 안압 감소, 급성 신부전 예방 등에 있다.만니톨은 또한 투석액, 주입, 주사, 안약, 안연고등의 조제에서 안정제, 용해제 또는 엑기스제로 사용된다.


    현재 D만 니톨 분말의 산업 생산을위한 가장 일반적인 방법은 화학 합성입니다.주로 과당/포도당 혼합물을 기질로 사용하며, 과당/포도당 혼합물은 고온, 고압 하에서 니켈 촉매로 수소화하여 만니톨을 얻는다.


    녹색 봄 기술은 99% D 마니톨 분말 대량 공급, 고순도, 안정적인 특성, 및 연약한 분말.그린 스프링 기술은 할랄, 코셔, 코스모스, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 등과 같은 여러 인증을 통과했습니다.우리는 우수한 R&D 팀, 경험이 풍부한 생산 팀, 전문 판매 팀을 보유하고 있습니다.우리는 다양한 표준 추출물과 비율 추출물을 사용자 정의 할 수 있습니다.우리는 권위있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.


    제품 이름

    D 만니톨 분말

    캐 스 가 없다.




    시험 방법



    White 결정 성 분말

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?



    D Mannitol powder is a natural sweetener with antioxidant properties. It scavenges free radicals in the body and helps to slow down the aging process.


    Regulating Blood Lipids

    D mannitol has the effect of regulating blood lipids and can promote liver metabolism of fat, thereby achieving the effect of regulating blood lipids. If there are diseases such as hyperlipidemia, D-mannitol can be used for treatment according to medical advice.


    Promote Intestinal Peristalsis

    D mannitol has the effect of promoting intestinal peristalsis, can accelerate the digestion and absorption of food in the intestinal tract, to a certain extent, can also prevent constipation and other diseases. If there is indigestion and other diseases, you can follow the doctor's instructions to use the drug for treatment.



    D mannitol has a laxative effect, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, to a certain extent, and can also achieve the effect of preventing constipation. If there is constipation, you can eat D-mannitol to improve.


    Diuretic Swelling

    D mannitol powder has the effect of diuretic swelling, and can promote the discharge of water in the body, but also to achieve the effect of swelling, more suitable for people with edema to eat.


    Helps with Dehydration

    D Mannitol may help to treat cerebral oedema due to certain causes, and reduce intracranial pressure and other conditions.


    Helps Detoxification

    Mannitol is a hypertonic tissue dehydrator that promotes excretion, and so may have a detoxifying effect on the toxicity of certain drugs in overdose, e.g. barbiturates, lithium, salicylates, and bromides.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    As a functional sugar alcohol, D mannitol is widely used. The light industry, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, and food are the main demand for mannitol, of which the demand in the pharmaceutical field accounted for 60.0 percent. In the pharmaceutical field, mannitol can be used for the production of mannitol injections, can reduce the patient's intraocular pressure, and treatment of cerebral oedema, but also can be used as a surgical flushing agent.


    In the Food Field:

    D Mannitol powder is about half as sweet as sucrose, but has a lower calorie value of 6.69 kJ/g, making it a good low-calorie sweetener for obese people who want to improve their figure. Mannitol's metabolism is insulin-independent and causes little or no change in blood glucose levels, making it suitable for people with diabetes. The greatest use of mannitol in food is as a sweetener or anti-sticky agent in sugar-free chewing gum.


    In Cosmetics:

    D Mannitol powder in cosmetics, and skin care products, the main role of adhesives, and moisturizing agents. Risk factor of 1, relatively safe, can be used with confidence, for pregnant women generally has no effect, and D mannitol is not acne-causing. Peroxynitrite anion is a combination of superoxide radicals and nitroso ions but is also a common free radical in vivo, these free radicals and pigmentation related to the elimination of Mannitol are conducive to skin conditioning and anti-aging, skin allergies also have a certain degree of inhibition. D Mannitol powder can inhibit light damage to the skin and photo-aging and has a moisturizing function.


    As a Medicinal Excipient:

    D Mannitol powder has stable chemical properties, absorbs heat when dissolved, has a sweet taste, and is comfortable for the oral cavity. Therefore, it is widely used in the manufacturing of chewing tablets such as sobering pills, oral cooling agents, and nitroglycerin tablets. Its granular form is specifically used as an excipient for direct tablet compression.

  • 99% D만 니톨 분말 COA

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