Cranberry Juice Powder

크랜베리 주스 가루

라틴어 이름:Vaccinium Macrocarpon

출처:크 랜 베리 과일

시험 방법:HPLC

Appearance:분홍색 미세 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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    크랜베리는 천연 항균 건강 과일로 약 80% 가 물로 이루어져 있고 나머지는 주로 유기산, 비타민 C, 플라보노이드, 안토시아닌, 프로안토시아니딘, 기타 물질이 들어있다.크랜베리에 들어있는 프로안토시아니딘은 주요한 항균성분으로 이들의 독특한 a 형 구조인 프로안토시아니딘은 상피세포내의 세균의 유착을 효과적으로 억제할수 있으며 부동한 상피세포의 세균감염으로 인한 염증을 효과적으로 예방할수 있다.


    크랜베리 주스 분말은 고품질의 크랜베리 주스 농축액을 특수 가공 및 분무 건조 기술로 만들어 과일 본연의 향으로 인스턴트, 유수분 핑크 분말을 만든다.그것은 pomace 부분을 완전히 여과하고 기능성 음료에 적용될 수 있습니다, 씹을 수 있는 정제, 제과 정제, 경구 용량,s 및 기타 용량 형태.


    그린스프링기술은 순수한 천연 크랜베리 주스 농축액에 분무 건조를 통해 소량의 엑기스를 넣어 만든 크랜베리 주스 가루를 공급한다.그것은 자연 강한 과일 향, 균일하고 세심한 입자, 좋은 유동성, 그리고 외관에 밝은 빨간색을 유지 합니다;물에 완전히 용해 될 수 있으며 모든 가용성 기능성 식품에 적합합니다.이 크랜베리 주스 분말은 어떠한 풍미, 색상 또는 다른 첨가물도 없이 순수한 100%입니다.그것은 미세 분말, 천연 색상, 좋은 인스턴트 용해도, 겹치지 않고 섭취하기 쉽습니다.


    그린스프링은 2000년에 설립된 중국의 대표적인 식물 추출물 기술 기업이다.Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000 등과 같은 많은 인증을 획득했습니다.그린스프링은 ISO, HACCP 및 기타 품질 기준에 따라 생산을 조직합니다.이 제품들은 모두 EU EC396, EU 2023/915, 최고 용매 잔류 기준을 준수하는 국제 최고 산업 표준을 구현한다.




    제품 이름

    크랜베리 주스 가루

    라틴어 이름

    Vaccinium Macrocarpon


    크 랜 베리 과일

    시험 방법



    분홍 가루

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections

    In the early 18th century, cranberry juice was used in England to treat urinary tract infections. Further research in later years found that cranberry juice has adhesion to E. coli on the epithelial cells of the urethra, and therefore can play a role in preventing urinary tract infections. Researchers use gene chip technology, focusing on the study of cranberry PAC gene for the prevention of urinary tract infections mechanism of action. Beauty, antioxidant, and anti-aging. Cranberries have a high content of Vc, which can be regarded as the king of fruits. Vc can promote the formation of collagen in the human body, which has the effect of beautifying the face and reducing fatigue.


    In addition, cranberries are rich in proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins, which can effectively remove free radicals from the body and slow down the rate of aging. Protect the stomach and intestines, and reduce gastric ulcers. The human body is infected with Helicobacter pylori, which easily triggers chronic gastritis and consumptive ulcers. Relevant studies have shown that cranberry juice can inhibit the adsorption of Helicobacter pylori on human gastric mucus, which in turn protects the stomach and intestines and reduces the occurrence of gastric ulcers.


    Good for Cardiovascular Health

    Cranberries have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Cranberries contain flavonol glycosides that have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, thus improving blood circulation, and the concentrated tannins contained in cranberries prevent the urinary tract and inhibit the attachment of Helicobacter pylori to the gastrointestinal tract. Cranberries are not recommended for people with kidney stones and gout to avoid aggravating the symptoms of kidney stones or gout.


    Oral Protection

    Cranberries are rich in polyphenolic compounds, which can inhibit the secretion of proteases by periodontitis-causing bacteria, stop the adhesion of Streptococcus pyogenes on the surface of teeth, effectively prevent the occurrence of dental caries, reduce the adhesion of bacteria inside the mouth, and improve oral health.


    Gastrointestinal Protection

    Researchers in the gastric mucosa protection test found that cranberries have a protective effect on acute damage to the gastric mucosa of rats. Therefore, if you eat cranberries regularly, you can play a good role in stomach health. In addition, cranberries can provide the body with antibiotic-like protective ability, and this natural antibiotic not only will not let the body develop resistance but also not have to worry about the side effects of drugs.


    In the Food Field:

    Cranberry juice powder has been widely used in the food industry due to its unique flavor and nutrition. It can be used to make sauces and dressings. Boil cranberries, add sugar, water, and lemon juice, and cook to make cranberry sauce, which can be used with bread, pancakes, ice cream, and other foods to add layers of texture and sweet and sour flavor to the food.


    In addition, cranberries can be made into jams and jellies, which can be used as spreads for breads and biscuits, and as decorations for pastries and desserts, while adding to the aesthetics and flavour of the food. Cranberry juice powder can also be added to other dishes to add layers of flavour and nutritional value to the food. For example, cranberries can be sprinkled on salads, yoghurts, cereal porridges and other foods to add a splash of bright red colour to the food and whet the appetite.

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