Freeze Dried Blueberry Powder

말린 블루베리 가루를 얼려주세요

라틴어 이름:Vaccinium cyanococcus

시험 방법:HPLC

외관:바이올렛 빨간 미세 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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    블루베리 과일 과육은 섬세하고, 씨앗은 매우 작고, 달콤하고 신맛이 나며, 상쾌하고 기분 좋은 향기가 있으며, 다양한 비타민과 미량 원소 및 기타 영양소가 풍부합니다.블루베리 과일은 생으로도 먹을 수 있지만 과일주스 가공용으로도, 과실주, 잼 등의 원료로도 높은 경제적 가치를 지니고 있다.영국의 권위 있는 영양학자 The world's 15 종류의 건강 식품, 우선적으로 블루베리, 국제 식품 농업 기구 5대 인간 건강 식품 중 하나로.


    동결건조 블루베리 분말은 신선한 블루베리를 공융점 온도 이하로 얼리고 진공 하에서 승화하여 블루베리 내의 물을 제거하여 동결건조 후, 연삭 또는 분쇄기를 통과하면 동결건조 블루베리 분말을 얻을 수 있다.동결 건조 블루베리 분말은 블루베리의 색, 향, 맛을 잘 유지하고, 밝은 색, 아삭아삭한 식감, 강한 블루베리 풍미, 달고 새콤한 맛이 있으며, 소비용 완제품으로 사용할 수도 있지만, 추가 가공용으로 수분을 보충할 수도 있어 시장 전망이 넓다.


    그린스프링 기술 공급 동결 건조 블루베리 분말은 신선한 블루베리를 원료로 선택한다.그 다음 블루베리는 깨끗이 씻어 물기를 빼고 눌러주고 걸러줍니다.블루 베리 액체는-2~4시간 동안-45 저온 동결을위한 식품 동결 건조 기계에 넣고 다음 승화 건조 공정은 16~18시간 동안 30~50PA 진공 하에서 실행되고 마지막으로 우리는 약 3%의 물을 함유 한 동결 건조 블루 베리 분말을 얻습니다.그 가공에는 어떤 첨가제나 화학물질도 사용되지 않는다.


    녹색 봄 는 2000년에 설립된 중국의 대표적인 생명공학 회사로 고객에게 천연, 안전, 유기농 식물 추출물을 제공하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.8개의 인증, 7개의 특허를 보유하고 있으며, 제품은 전세계 62개국 이상에서 판매되어 2,450개 이상의 고객에게 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.녹색 봄 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000 및 기타 많은 인증서를 획득했습니다.권위 있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.




    제품 이름

    말린 블루베리 가루를 얼려주세요

    라틴어 이름

    Vaccinium cyanococcus

    시험 방법



    바이올렛 레드 (Violet Red) 미세 파우더

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?



    The anthocyanins in blueberry freeze-dried powder can remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are one of the factors that produce many diseases in the human body. Long-term use (more than 4 weeks) can reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines, improve the body's immunity, reduce and alleviate the production of inflammation, and effectively delay aging. Free radicals cause the release of collagenase and sclerelastase, which cause excessive cross-linking and degradation of collagen and sclerelastin in the skin, leading to loss of skin elasticity and wrinkles.


    Anthocyanins act as free radical scavengers and can revitalize collagen, which can prevent the formation of skin wrinkles. Anthocyanin's sunscreen, antioxidant, and anti-radiation abilities are very strong, can accelerate the skin metabolism, help repair damaged, and dull, shrink pores, and lighten pigmentation so that the skin to restore smooth and white.


    Improvement of Vision

    Anthocyanins in blueberries are beneficial for the maintenance and regulation of true myopia, pseudomyopia, and the elimination of eye fatigue. It has a conservation effect on eye fatigue, blurred vision, photophobia, dry eyes, teary eyes, as well as vision loss in middle age, presbyopia, etc. It also has a conservation effect on protein oxidation of the eye lens, and lens clouding caused by high free radicals. It is also helpful for protein oxidation of the eye lens, lens clouding, and cataracts caused by excessive free radicals. Blueberry anthocyanins are beneficial in preventing protein oxidation of the eye lens, lens clouding, and cataracts caused by high free radicals. It is effective for those suffering from diabetes-induced retinopathy.



    Blueberries can remove free radicals that harden the walls of blood vessels, enhance the flexibility of capillaries, promote vascular expansion, prevent vascular rupture, but also enhance the function of joints and soft tissues. Blueberry fruit is rich in flavonoids, with inhibition platelet coagulation, can prevent the formation of blood clots, and reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Anthocyanins in blueberries can activate the immune system, activate macrophages, and enhance the body's immunity.


    Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

    Blueberries are high in pectin. Studies have shown that pectin soluble fiber can lower cholesterol and reduce the probability of coronary artery disease, thus preventing heart attacks and strokes. Blueberries contain a significant amount of potassium, which helps maintain fluid balance in the body, as well as normal blood pressure and heart function.


    Cancer Prevention

    Anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and astragalus found in blueberries have a positive effect on the prevention and treatment of cancer and tumours. Blueberry fruit is rich in polyphenols, which inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible for the rapid proliferation of cancer cells. Chlorogenic acid in blueberries, yellow quercetin bitters in the wild species, and flavonol ligands of popcorn ketones, all of which have anticancer and anti-tumour effects.


    The folic acid in blueberries prevents uterine cancer and is beneficial to the development of the foetus during pregnancy. The gallic acid in blueberries has significant inhibitory power on the culture of liver cancer cells in vitro, prolongs the life of mice with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, and strongly inhibits lung adenocarcinoma in mice caused by the addition of sodium nitrite. In addition, blueberry pulp contains a small amount of stone cells, which can prevent colorectal cancer.


    In the Food Field:

    Blueberry freeze-dried powder can be used as a nutritious food ingredient, widely used in food processing and manufacturing. Blueberry freeze-dried powder can be used to make a variety of foods, such as cakes, biscuits, beverages, etc. It can not only increase the taste and nutritional value of the food, but also meet the consumer's demand for health and nutrition. It can also be used in drinks, such as yogurt, and pudding, to increase the flavour.  

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