Green Tea
Green Tea Extract Powder Bulk

녹차 추출물 분말 Bulk

제품 이름:녹차 추출물 분말 대량

검사:총 폴리페놀:≥ 95.0%

시험 방법:자외선

외관:밝은 노란색 갈색 미세 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • 녹차추출분말은 무엇인가요?

    녹차추출물은 녹차잎에서 추출되는 활성성분으로 주로 차폴리페놀 (카테킨), 카페인, 방향유, 물, 무기질, 색소, 탄수화물, 단백질, 아미노산, 비타민 등이 있습니다.녹차 추출물 활성 성분은 주로 차 폴리페놀이며, 차에 함유된 폴리페놀의 총칭으로 플라바놀, 안토시아닌, 플라보노이드, 플라바놀, 페놀산 등이 있다.차폴리페놀은 항산화, 활성산소 제거 및 기타 효과가 있으며 고지혈증의 혈청 총 콜레스테롤, 중성지방, LDL 콜레스테롤 함량을 현저히 감소시키며 동시에 혈관 내피의 기능을 회복하고 보호하는 역할을 합니다.


    녹샘은 천연 녹차 추출물 가루를 공급하며, 원료는 무공해 생태 녹차 농장 기지에서 엄선합니다.원료에서 완제품까지, 전체 생산 공정을 제어하고 추적할 수 있습니다.그린스프링은 원재료 농약 잔류량, 용제 잔류량, 중금속 함량 등을 엄격히 감시하고 각종 오염물질 검출은 유럽 약전, 미국 약전, 일본 약전 및 기타 국제 기준에 부합한다.


    제품 이름

    녹차 추출물 분말 (Green Tea Extract Powder) 대량

    라틴어 이름

    동백나무 (Camellia Sinensis L.

    캐 스 가 없다.



    동백나무 차의 말린 부드러운 잎

    유효 성분








    총 폴리페놀:≥ 95.0%

    시험 방법



    연한 노랑갈색의 미세 가루입니다

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Slow down the Aging

    Tea polyphenols have strong antioxidant properties and physiological activity and are scavengers of free radicals in the human body. According to the relevant departments of the research proved that 1 mg of tea polyphenols to remove harmful excess free radicals in the human body is equivalent to the effectiveness of 9 micrograms of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Tea polyphenols have the effect of blocking lipid peroxidation and removing active enzymes. The results of the Japanese Okuda Toyo test confirmed the anti-aging effect of tea polyphenols rather than vitamins.


    Helps Suppress Cardiovascular Disease

    Tea polyphenols have an important role in human fat metabolism. The human body's cholesterol, triglycerides, and other high levels of fat deposition in the inner wall of blood vessels, vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation after the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and other cardiovascular diseases. The tea polyphenols in the powdered green tea extract, especially the catechins ECG and EGC in tea polyphenols and their oxidation products such as theaflavins, help to make this plaque proliferation. So that the formation of blood coagulation viscosity enhancement of fibrinogen is reduced, blood clotting becomes clear, thus inhibiting atherosclerosis.


    Helps Prevent and Fight Cancer

    Tea polyphenols can block the synthesis of many carcinogenic substances in the body, such as ammonium nitrite, and have the effect of directly killing cancer cells and improving the immune ability of the body. According to relevant information, tea polyphenols in tea (mainly catechin compounds), on stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, and other types of cancer prevention and adjuvant therapy, are beneficial.


    Helps Inhibit and Resist Viral Bacteria

    Tea polyphenols have a strong astringent effect on pathogenic bacteria, viruses have obvious inhibition and killing effects, and anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrhoeal have obvious effects. China has several medical units that apply tea preparations for the treatment of acute and chronic dysentery, amoebic dysentery, and influenza.


    Skin Care

    Tea polyphenol in green tea extract powder is a water-soluble substance, washing with it can remove facial grease, and astringent pores, disinfect, sterilize, anti-skin aging, and reduce the damage to the skin caused by ultraviolet radiation in sunlight.



    The caffeine in green tea extract powder can promote the excitation of the human central nervous system, enhance the excitation process of the cerebral cortex, and play a refreshing and cleansing effect.


    Diuretic to Relieve Fatigue

    Caffeine in tea extracts stimulates the kidneys and encourages the rapid elimination of urine from the body. It improves the filtration rate of the kidneys and reduces the retention time of harmful substances in the kidneys. Caffeine can also eliminate excess lactic acid in the urine, which helps to make the body eliminate fatigue as soon as possible.



    In Cosmetics:

    Tea polyphenols in green tea extract powder have the effect of disinfecting, sterilizing, anti-skin aging. It reduces skin damage caused by UV radiation from sunlight. Tea polyphenols can effectively absorb UV rays and inhibit the activation of melanocytes while inhibiting the formation of free radicals. Tea polyphenols are also good scavengers of free radicals. As a reducing agent, tea polyphenols can also inhibit the activity of tyrosinase and catalase, which are responsible for skin darkening, freckles, brown spots, and age spots.


    In the Food Field:

    Green tea extract powder tea polyphenols can be used in beverage production. Adding tea polyphenols to food can not only maintain its original flavour but also prevent corruption and extend the freshness period. It prevents food from fading, inhibits and kills bacteria, improves food hygiene standards and extends the sales life of food. Tea polyphenols on meat and its cured products such as sausages, meat canned bacon, etc., have a good preservation or anti-damage effect. In particular, it has a significant inhibition and killing effect on heat-resistant bacilli etc. in canned food and has the effect of eliminating odour, and fishy taste and preventing oxidative discolouration.


    For Healthy Product:

    Green tea extract polyphenols can significantly reduce the serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol levels of hyperlipidaemia, as well as restore and protect the endothelial function of the blood vessels, and are also used in health products.

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