Zeaxanthin 분말 대량
제품 이름:Zeaxanthin 분말 대량
검사:≥ 70%
시험 방법:HPLC
외관:오렌지 미세 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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제아잔틴은 녹색 잎 채소, 꽃, 과일, 고지딸기 및 노란색 옥수수에서 널리 발견되는 새로운 기름 용성 천연 색소입니다.자연계에서는 흔히 루테인, 베타카로틴, 크립토잔틴 등과 공존하여 카로티노이드의 혼합물을 형성한다.인체와 동물은 제아잔틴을 스스로 합성할 수 없으며 식품이나 보충제를 통해 얻어야 한다.인체에서 제아잔틴은 강력한 항산화 물질이며 또한 조직을 보호합니다 's 조직 세포는 단선형 산소 종의 폭발 및 활성 산소의 청소와 같은 항산화 행동을 통해, 과도한 산화 반응으로 인해 잠재적으로 유해한 영향의 일부로부터 생물 시스템을 보호합니다.
Green Spring 기술은 식품 등급을 제공합니다천연 zeaxanthin 분말마리골드 꽃에서 추출한.수용성이 우수하고 GMO-free 이며 EU의 잔류농약, 용제잔류물, 중금속 기준에 부합한다.이 제아잔틴 분말은 원료부터 완제품까지 생산 공정 전반에 걸쳐 추적이 가능합니다.우리는 권위있는 제3자 품질 검사 보고서를 제공 할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
틴이 가루 대량
라틴어 이름
Tagetes Erecta L니다
캐 스 가 없다.
하세 꽃
유효 성분
틴:≥ 70.0%
시험 방법
주황색 가루
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Protecting Your Eyesight
Zeaxanthin and lutein are the only 2 remaining natural carotenoids in the retina and are essential carotenoids for the lens, with high aggregation specificity for ocular tissues. It concentrates zeaxanthin specifically in the macular speckles through high affinity binding proteins and specialized transport and metabolism proteins for light-induced oxidative stress via light absorption and localized efficient antioxidant properties to protect the macula from damage. They have a particularly important role in maintaining eye health and visual preservation.
Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
Carotenoids are fat-soluble substances that are usually found in higher animal cells in complexes with proteins and other lipid components, especially biofilms. They can improve the immune properties of biofilms and intercellular information transfer, and play a potential role in disease prevention. Zeaxanthin and lutein were found to significantly reduce the thickness of the middle layer of the intima-media vessels of the common carotid artery compared to other carotenoids. Zeaxanthin increases the antioxidant capacity of LDL and prevents cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have reported a lower risk of cardiovascular disease in people with a high daily intake of carotenoids. Researchers found that zeaxanthin can have an inhibitory effect on LDL oxidation under in vitro conditions. Zeaxanthin significantly reduces the incidence of myocardial infarction and helps slow down the process of atherosclerosis.
Cancer Prevention
Zeaxanthin, like many carotenoids, protects against cell and organ damage caused by free radicals in the body. Studies have shown that zeaxanthin inhibits auto-oxidation of cellular lipids and prevents cellular damage caused by oxidation. Zeaxanthin has the function of reducing the occurrence of cancer and enhancing immunity. Domestic and international studies have shown that zeaxanthin has an inhibitory effect on cancer, and its mechanism may be related to the regulation of the level of oxidative stress, inhibition of ATP generation, and up-regulation of p53 mRNA expression.
Cataract Prevention
Zeaxanthin is one of only two carotenoids found in the lens. It has 11 conjugated double bonds in the molecule and a hydroxyl group on the tail group, a structure that gives it strong antioxidant capacity. As a strong antioxidant, it can quench the triplet state of single-linear oxygen and photosensitizer and scavenge damaging oxygen radicals. It prevents membrane lipid peroxidation and reduces the formation of lipofuscin, which in turn prevents cataract formation. Studies have shown that people with a high intake of lutein and zeaxanthin are 19% to 22% less likely to develop cataracts than those with a low intake.
Zeaxanthin specifically absorbs blue light, which is the most damaging light to the retina, thus protecting the cone cells in the central retinal recess. Many studies have shown that a short-term increase in zeaxanthin intake can increase macular pigment, thus enhancing the ability of the macula to fight against damage by harmful substances and light rays, and preventing and slowing down age-related macular degeneration.
In the Food Field:
Zeaxanthin has a strong colouring ability due to its inability to be converted into vitamin A after absorption in the body and its ability to be deposited in the body. It can be used to improve the colour of egg yolks and the meat colour of fish, shrimp and other poultry, enhancing food quality and nutritional value. Its toxicological evaluation in the clinic and animal tests have confirmed its safety for consumption, and it is a food colouring approved by the European Union. Compared with chemically synthesized commercial colourants, zeaxanthin powder is natural, nutritious, safe and non-toxic, and the production cost is low.
For Health Products:
At present, the US FDA has approved zeaxanthin as a new type of nutritional additive, which can be applied to food. Zeaxanthin can not be synthesized in the body, entirely from dietary intake, zeaxanthin powder is a functional food development and uses a significant upward trend.
Zeaxanthin 분말 대량 COA