Milk Thistle Extract Powder Silymarin
Milk Thistle

밀크시슬 추출물 파우더 실리마린 80% UV

제품 이름:밀크 엉겅퀴 추출물 분말 실리마린 80% UV



Silybin A &Silybin B/Silymarin:40%-65%;

이소실리 빈 a&IsosilybinB/Silymarin:10%-20%

시험 방법:자외선

외관:희미한 노란색 또는 갈색 무정형 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • 밀크시슬 추출물 분말은 무엇인가요?

    밀크시슬 추출물 분말은 Silybum marianum G.의 말린 열매를 분쇄하여 추출, 농축한 후 스프레이 건조하여 분말로 만듭니다.밀크시슬 추출물 분말의 활성 성분은 silydianin, isosilydianin, dehydrosilydianin, silydianin, silychristin, silychristin polymer 이며, cinnamic acid, myristic acid, palmitoleic acid, arachidic acid이다.


    밀크시슬 추출물 분말은 간 해독에 도움을 주며 만성 간질환 관리에도 사용할 수 있다.간 단백질의 재생을 활성화시키고 알코올과 바이러스에 의해 손상된 간세포의 활동을 회복시킨다.또한 활성산소를 제거하고, 간 세포막의 투과성을 유지하며, 독소로 인한 간 손상을 감소시킨다.장기간 알코올 섭취로 간을 다친 사람과 급성 · 만성 간염, 지방간, 간경변, 독성 간 손상을 입은 사람을 보호한다.


    그린 스프링 기술은 균일하고 세심한 분말, 안정적인 특성, 좋은 용해성, 낮은 수분 함량으로 저장 기간을 연장할 수 있는 실리마린 추출물을 공급합니다.좋은 수용성, 모든 수용성, 물에 용해 명확하고 반투명, 강수 없음;원재료 본래의 맛과 색을 유지합니다.


    그린스프링기술은 일련의 체계적인 품질관리시스템을 갖추고 품질관리시스템을 엄격하게 구현하며 ISO, HACCP 등 품질기준에 따라 생산을 조직한다.유럽약전, 미국약전, 일본약전을 엄격히 준수하며, 당사가 공급하는 분말형 실리마린 추출물은 농약 잔류, 중금속 및 국제 표준을 따르는 용제 잔류가 있습니다.권위 있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.




    제품 이름

    밀크시슬 추출물 파우더 실리마린 80 자외선

    라틴어 이름

    Silybum marianum다.(l)

    캐 스 가 없다.



    실리범 마리아눔의 건조되고 성숙한 열매,

    합성과에 속하는 식물

    유효 성분




    Silybin A &Silybin B

    이소실리 빈 a&IsosilybinB




    Silybin A &Silybin B/Silymarin:40%-65%;

    이소실리 빈 a&IsosilybinB/Silymarin:10%-20%

    시험 방법



    희미한 노란색 또는 갈색의 비정형 분말

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다


    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    Antiviral Activity

    Silymarin and its derivatives can produce potent antiviral activity by acting at multiple points in the viral life cycle. For example, the most researched of all is the hepatitis C virus HCV, where silymarin not only enhances the antiviral effects of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway.


    It can also inhibit NS5B polymerase activity and inhibit the transcription of nuclear factor NF-κB, thus blocking the virus from entering cells and replicating and spreading. Against the influenza A virus, silymarin can inhibit viral RNA synthesis and viral replication in the late stage of infection. Against dengue virus, both silymarin and its derivatives have a very strong affinity for the viral non-structural protein NS4B, and thus can also be used as anti-dengue virus targets for treatment.


    Anti-Inflammatory Activity

    The enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) has been strongly implicated in many inflammatory conditions and cancers, and since 5-LOX is expressed in various tissues and cells of the body, it is now widely believed that 5-LOX is one of the causes of the inflammatory cascade. Silymarin, a milk thistle extract ingredient, happens to act on 5-LOX, thereby reducing the production of the inflammatory mediators leukotrienes and lipoxins and reducing the inflammatory response.



    Milk thistle extract reduces cellular damage caused by oxygen free radicals such as ROS, and superoxide anion. Especially in the face of environmental stresses such as drugs, silymarin increases the production of glutathione and superoxide dismutase. In addition, prolonged high sugar intake, although pleasurable, may induce the generation of large amounts of superoxide to cause damage to glomerular podocytes, and silymarin can do this in two ways. One is to enhance the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the kidneys, such as catalase and glutathione peroxidase, etc., and the other is to inhibit NADPH oxidase, thus achieving the effect of protecting the kidneys.



    Numerous studies have shown that milk thistle extract can inhibit NF-kB activity while blocking other protein kinase-like signaling pathways. Supplementation with silymarin inhibits pre-collagen production in activated hepatic stellate cells, thus demonstrating significant anti-fibrotic efficacy. But while there have been many successful trials of this type, most of them are still being conducted in animals such as rats and baboons.

    Liver Protection

    Milk thistle extract has a protective effect against liver damage caused by carbon tetrachloride, galactosamine, alcohol, and other hepatotoxins. Studies have shown that oral administration of silymarin significantly alters the structure of the intestinal flora. It greatly promotes the colonization of relevant flora capable of synthesizing vitamin B12, while the level of triglycerides in human serum is significantly negatively correlated with the level of VB12. It increases the level of fatty acid degradation by the liver, thus improving the accumulation of liver fat from high-fat dietary levels.


    Anti-Cardiovascular Disease

    By investigating the effect of milk thistle extract on hang high cholesterol and LDL oxidation in mice fed with polyunsaturated fatty acid and a small amount of saturated fatty acid food containing silymarin, and in control of mice fed with polyunsaturated fatty acid and a small amount of saturated fatty acid food, serum cholesterol levels were significantly reduced in the former, with a decrease in gross VLDL and an increase in HDL I-C, suggesting that silymarin improves the anti-LDL capacity.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Milk thistle extract powder is used as an ingredient in the treatment of liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. It is also used to improve digestion, lower cholesterol and promote bile production. Milk thistle extract is often used in oral or injectable preparations.


    In the Food Field:

    Due to the rich nutritional components of milk thistle extract powder, such as flavonoids, coumarins, and ellagic acid, it is often used in health foods, functional beverages, and healthy grains.


    In Cosmetics:

    Milk thistle extract has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing effects, making it often used in cosmetics such as skincare, makeup, and shampoo.


    For Feed Product:

    Milk thistle extract powder can be used for the treatment of animal liver diseases, such as pig hepatitis and bovine jaundice as a raw material.

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