유기 Phycocyanin 분말
제품 이름:유기 Phycocyanin 분말
규격:E18, E25 E30
시험 방법:자외선
외모:파란색 파우더
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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유기 Phycocyanin 분말이란?
피코시아닌 (Phycocyanin)은 일부 스피룰리나에서 발견되는 청색 광합성 색소 단백질이다.청색 엽록소 유도체이며 엽록소, 카로티노이드와 함께 세포에서 중요한 광합성 색소이다.태양 에너지를 흡수해 화학 에너지로 전환하는 역할을 하며, 전지의 생명 활동을 지원한다.
Phycocyanin 분말은 식품, 의약 및 화장품의 색소 및 영양소로 사용되는 등 여러 분야에서 중요한 응용이 있습니다.또한 많은 생물학 실험에서 중요한 도구이며 단백질 구조, 생화학, 분자생물학 분야에서 널리 사용된다.
유기 농phycocyanin 파우더유기 스피룰리나에서 추출되며 전체적으로 물만 첨가제로 첨가됩니다.이 성분은 피코시아닌의 함량이 높아 아이스크림 제품의 식용색소로 사용할 수 있다.
녹색 봄기술은 천연 해양생물에서 순수하게 추출한 천연 유기 phycocyanin 분말을 공급하는데,이 분말은 독성의 부작용이 없고, 방사능이 포함되지 않으며, 인체에 쉽게 흡수 및 이용된다.밝고 안정된 색을 띠며 다양한 식품과 음료에 색을 입히는 데 적합하다.이 유기 알갈 청색 단백질은 스피루리나의 추출물로 농도, 원심 분리, 여과 등과 같은 가벼운 물리적 방법으로 추출됩니다.전 공정은 용매 잔류물이 없어 안전하고 건강한 물을 첨가제로만 첨가합니다.이 유기 phycocyanin 분말은 수용성이 우수하고 다른 분자와 교차 연결이 용이하며 비특이적 흡착이 적습니다.
제품 이름
유기 Phycocyanin 분말
캐 스 가 없다.
스 피 루 리나 Platensis
유효 성분
E18, E25 E30
시험 방법
파란색 파우더
농약 잔류 물을
그것은 (EC) No 396/2005에 부합한다.
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Much literature has shown that phycocyanin has antioxidant activity in scavenging hydroxyl radicals and hydroperoxyl radicals. In addition to this, it has also been reported to have some degree of antioxidant modulation. By establishing a mouse model of adriamycin-induced oxidative damage, some researchers found that the treatment of model mice with phycocyanin powder showed a significant reduction in reactive oxygen species levels in the treated group compared to the control group.
Auxiliary Protection Against Radiation Hazards
Researchers have found that blue spirulina phycocyanin powder has a protective effect on the oxidative damage caused by radiation in mice by establishing a mouse model of X-ray radiation damage. The experimental results show that phycocyanin powder can improve the antioxidant capacity of mice, reduce the oxidative damage caused by radiation on the organism, and have a better protective effect on radiation damage in mice.
Enhancement of Immunity
Mouse model tests have shown that phycocyanin promotes the differentiation and growth of mouse granulosa monophyletic progenitor cells, thereby enhancing the immune function of the mouse organism. In addition, phycocyanin powder has been reported to reduce allergic reactions in mice through immunomodulatory activity.
Adjuvant Protection Against Chemical Liver Injury
By establishing a rat model of alcoholic liver injury, researchers have found that the administration of blue spirulina phycocyanin powder complex can effectively inhibit alcohol damage to hepatocytes. The blue spirulina phycocyanin powder complex in all dose groups can significantly inhibit alcohol-induced lipid peroxidation, inhibit the elevation of serum and hepatic MDA, and protect hepatocytes, and the dose-effect relationship is significant.
Helps Retain Skin Moisture
Researchers investigated the effects of powdered phycocyanin from spirulina on skin function in healthy subjects in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ninety-six subjects were randomly divided into an alginin (containing C-alginin and allo-alginin) group and a placebo group, and it was found that water evaporation from the skin of the subjects (an indicator of the skin's moisturizing power) was significantly reduced after 8 weeks in the group with the phycocyanin powder-containing test diet.
In the Food Field:
Organic phycocyanin powder is a 100% water soluble natural blue pigment, which can be used for colouring and dyeing various foods. Compared with traditional synthetic pigments, phycocyanin is healthier and more natural, which is favoured by more and more consumers. As a natural pigment, phycocyanin powder can be used in milk tea and tea drinks, cold foods (ice cream, smoothie, smooch), beverages (ready-to-drink, solid beverages), confectionery (coating, gummy candy, chewing gum), dairy products, bakery, and other fields.
In Cosmetics:
Organic phycocyanin powder is a collagen-like protein with multiple effects such as moisturising and anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory and blemish elimination, etc. It can be used as a natural pigment in make-up, skincare and other cosmetic products, which can give the products a natural blue colour and enhance the aesthetics and market competitiveness of the products.
For Health Products:
Blue spirulina phycocyanin powder can help regulate and synthesize a variety of important enzymes needed for human metabolism, inhibit the growth of cancer cells and promote the regeneration of human cells, care for the ovaries, and promote the synthesis of elastin in the body and other effects. At the same time, blue spirulina phycocyanin powder regulates the human immune system, enhances the function of the immune system and improves the body's resistance to disease. As a raw material, organic phycocyanin powder has been used in a variety of health products.
유기 Phycocyanin 분말 COA