rα 리포산 분말
제품 이름:rα 리포산 분말 대량
시험 방법:HPLC
외관:노란색 결정 성 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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rα 리포산 파우더는 무엇입니까?
rα 리포산은 비타민 B 군에 속하는 비타민으로 산화에 의해 분해, 파괴되기 매우 쉬우며 강력한 항산화 효과가 있다.연구에 따르면, R의 항산화 효과 리포산은 비타민 C와 비타민 E의 리포산보다 훨씬 크다. 한편 과학연구에 의하면 rα 리포산은 인체에서의 비타민 C와 비타민 E의 역할을 대체할수 있으며 rα 리포산은 비타민 C와 비타민 E의 역할을 대체할수 있다 리포산은 강한 항산화 효과가 있어 비타민 C와 비타민 E의 산화적 손상을 피하고 비타민 C와 비타민 E의 생리적 효과를 향상시킨다.
rα 리포산 분말그린 스프링 기술로 공급되는 벌크는 발효 기술로 생산됩니다.그것은 더 높은 생물학적 활성, 가장 낮은 톨루엔 함량 및 안정적인 제품 품질을 가지고 있습니다.그린 스프링 기술은 원료부터 완제품까지 완벽한 품질 관리 시스템을 갖추고 있으며, 생산 공정이 통제되고 추적이 가능합니다.농약 잔류물, 용제 잔류물, 중금속의 엄격한 관리이 제품은 유럽 약전, 미국 약전, 일본 약전 및 기타 국제 표준을 준수합니다.권위 있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
rα 리포산 분말 대량
캐 스 가 없다.
시험 방법
Yellow 결정 분말
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Reducing Diabetes Complications
Glycosylation refers to the binding of sugar molecules to important proteins in the blood, cell membranes, and nerve tissues, which can cause rapid aging of blood vessels, nerves, or muscles, a change that is graphically referred to in medicine as the "tanning effect". Glycosylation damages human tissues in the same way that the tanning process turns soft cowhide into hard leather. R Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to reverse the glycosylation reaction, improve blood flow to human tissues, and enhance nerve conduction. Lipoic acid is used by diabetics to reverse diabetic peripheral neuropathy and improve diabetic complications. Several studies have been conducted to show that the use of R alpha Lipoic Acid powder in people at high risk of diabetes as well as those in the pre-diabetic stage can delay the onset of diabetes.
Beneficial for Liver Disease
Intravenous injection of lipoic acid has a rapid and miraculous effect on liver necrosis caused by food poisoning, which can usually be fully recovered in as little as one hour. In addition, the use of lipoic acid in patients with hepatitis B and C can promote liver recovery and prevent liver replacement.
Beneficial for Cancer Treatment
Lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that has the ability to neutralise free radicals on its own, in addition to augmenting other antioxidants such as Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Coenzyme Q10. Supplementation with R Lipoic Acid Powder increases the amount of oxygen that reaches the heart by 72%, and the amount of oxygen that reaches the liver by 128%. Cancer cells tend to grow anaerobically, and supplementing with lipoic acid inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Aid in the Treatment of Metal Poisoning
Lipoic acid has the effect of chelating metal ions and can combine with metal ions to form a relatively stable structure in the body. Lipoic acid can chelate with a variety of metal ions such as copper, zinc, cadmium, nickel, lead, iron, etc., reducing their oxidative damage to cells. Supplementation with R alpha Lipoic Acid Powder can be very helpful in the management and treatment of patients suffering from diseases related to the lipoic acid indication. The average person can obtain small amounts of lipoic acid through their daily diet, for example, spinach, kale, tomatoes, cauliflower, animal liver, and kidneys are relatively rich in lipoic acid.
For Health Product:
R alpha lipoic acid powder can be used as a nutraceutical ingredient to enhance antioxidant effects, protect the heart, help improve diabetes, and protect the liver. It is suitable for people with three highs and those with low liver function.
rα 리포산 분말 COA