실리마린 파우더 밀크 엉겅퀴 씨 추출물
제품 이름:Silymarin 분말 밀크시슬 씨앗 추출물
검사:Silymarin:≥ 90.0%
시험 방법:HPLC, 자외선
외관:밝은 노란색 또는 갈색 빛이 도는 노란색 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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실리마린 파우더 (Silymarin 파우더) 란?
실리마린 (Silymarin) 이라고도 한다 밀크 엉겅퀴 씨앗 추출물,의 씨앗 코트에서 추출된 플라보노이드 리그난 같은 화합물입니다 큰 엉겅퀴 씨앗이다.노란 또는 갈색의 가루로 쓴 맛이 나는 것을 말한다.아세톤, 에틸 아세테이트, 에탄올 및 메탄올에 녹고 클로로포름에 녹지 않으며 물에 녹지 않습니다.실리마린은 세계에서 발견된 간 질환 치유 효과가 있는 플라보노이드로 간의 보호와 함께 간 기능을 개선한다.간에 미치는 외부 인자의 손상을 막고 간세포의 재생과 회복을 촉진하며, 항방사선 및 노화를 늦추는 효과도 있다.
Green Spring 기술 공급Silymarin PowderUV80%, HPLC45%, HPLC60%, Silybin &에서 대량으로;이소실리빈 30%, 실리빈 30%, 실리빈 35%, 수용성 실리마린.실리마린의 원료는 유기농 실리마린 플랜테이션에서 엄선됩니다."0가산점" 등 엄격한 통제 시스템 확립그리고 "0 오염"심고 수확하는 과정에서.
독창적인 기술 설계 채택, 효과적인 기름기 제거 및 잔류물 제거로 고급 고객의 품질 요구 사항을 충족합니다.그린스프링은 업계 최고의 기술 역량과 전문 기술 인력, r&D 테스트 센터 및 완벽한 테스트 장비, 유럽 약전, 미국 약전, 일본 약전의 제품 테스트 구현, 농약 잔류물, 용제 잔류물, 중금속은 국제 표준에 부합합니다.권위 있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 제공할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
실리마린 파우더 대량 (Silymarin Powder Bulk
라틴어 이름
학명:Silybum Marianum (L.)Gaertn
캐 스 가 없다.
밀크시슬 씨앗 코트
유효 성분
Silymarin:≥ 90.0%
시험 방법
HPLC, 자외선
연한 노란색 또는 갈색빛이 도는 노란색 가루
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Liver Protection
Silymarin has a long history of use in clinical applications for the treatment of liver disease. Silymarin is often used as a liver-protecting drug and has achieved good efficacy. It is mainly used in the treatment of toxic and alcohol-related liver diseases. Silymarin powder is a natural medicine with excellent effects against liver and biliary diseases. It can remove free radicals damaging liver cells, form a protective film on liver cells, and repair damaged liver cells.
Lipid Lowering
Silymarin inhibits Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane of adult rat cardiomyocytes, inhibits food-induced hypercholesterolemia, lowers very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and raises high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and can be used in the treatment of cardiovascular system diseases.
By inhibiting the phosphorylation and degradation of IκB, silymarin can inhibit the activation of NF-κB, regulate the expression of genes related to inflammation, cell survival, cell differentiation, and cell growth, and exert anti-inflammatory effects.
Anti-UVA Damage
Silymarin application widely reduces the depletion of glutathione (GSH), the most important antioxidant in UVA-irradiated cells. Reduces UVA-induced ROS production, membrane lipid peroxidation, and cysteine asparaginase (Caspase-3) activation and DNA single strand breaks (SSB), DNA damage. It is beneficial in the treatment of UVA-induced oxidative skin damage and inflammation. It was further shown that silymarin reduced multiple ROS levels both in vitro and ex vivo, and reduced UVA damage to the membrane integrity of keratinocyte-forming cells. In particular, silymarin effectively eliminated UVA-induced DNA single-strand breaks at levels close to those of unirradiated cells.
Antioxidant, Slowing down Skin Aging
Silymarin is a polyphenol flavonoid antioxidant with strong antioxidant effects. It can upregulate the skin's antioxidant defense system, and scavenge ROS and oxygen free radicals. It also slows down the aging of vascular endothelial cells by increasing telomerase activity 3-fold and reducing the number of senescent cells. In the Drosophila stress test, the survival rate of Drosophila with a high purity mass fraction of 95% silymarin was approximately 3 times higher.
Silymarin has been found to have a good chelating effect on trivalent iron ions, so it is inferred that its inhibition of tyrosinase is also achieved by chelating copper ions. This suggests that the glucosamine salt complex of silymarin powder is suitable for use as a safe and efficient whitening additive in a wide range of whitening cosmetics.
Experiments in mice have confirmed that silymarin reduces triglyceride (TG) content in the liver and serum TG and total cholesterol (TCh) levels. Moreover, these animal experiments also showed that aspects of liver pathology (e.g., steatosis, inflammation, and hepatocyte ballooning) improved to varying degrees after silymarin application interventions. It has also been suggested that the drug reduces the body weight of the subject animals.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are highly reactive and can interact with unsaturated fatty acids to trigger lipid peroxidation, damage cell membranes, and cause chromosomal aberrations. Silymarin was found to significantly inhibit ROS production by human neutrophils in a dose-related manner.
For Health Product:
Silymarin, a silymarin seed extract, plays an important role in liver protection by stimulating the formation of new liver cells, preventing cytotoxic infiltration of liver cells, and improving the self-repairing ability of liver cells. In addition, silymarin extract has excellent antioxidant and hypolipidemic properties. Silymarin powder can be widely used in the treatment and prevention of fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cardiovascular and other diseases, and has great potential for development in the field of medicine and health care products.
실리마린 파우더 밀크시슬씨 추출물 COA