L Arabinose Powder

L 아라비노스 분말

캐 스 아니.:5328-37-0


시험 방법:HPLC

외관:백색 결정 성 분말

잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다

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  • L 아라비노스 파우더란?

    L arabinose는 껌 아라비아에서 처음에 분리 된 5 탄소의 단당류, 상온에서 흰색 길쭉한 바늘과 같은 결정 분말, 무취, 물에 용해성, 기본적으로 인체에 흡수되지 않는 자당 50%-60%의 단맛, 저에너지 감미료입니다.


    자연에서 L 아라비노스는 자유 상태로 거의 존재하지 않는다.보통 과일이나 잡곡 선체에 헤테로다당류의 형태로 존재한다.L 아라비노스는 산/열 안정성이 높습니다.What's 더, 많은 설탕 대체물과 달리, L arabinose는 Melad 및 caramelization 반응을 겪을 수 있으며 좋은 처리 특성을 갖는다.더욱이 수크로스와 특정 비율로 혼합될 수 있으며,이 혼합된 설탕은 설탕을 1:1대용으로 사용할 수 있다.


    그린스프링기술이 공급하는 L 아라비노스 파우더는 첨단 바이오 발효 공법으로 제조됩니다.순도 (>99.5%) 가 높고, 소비에 안전하며, 생산 공정이 환경에 덜 오염된다.그것은 원래 제품의 맛과 물리 화학적 특성을 보장 할 수있는 자크로스와 화합하고 식품의 GI 값을 줄일 수 있습니다.


    Green Spring Technology는 고품질의 식물 추출물, 천연 식품 성분 및 nutraceutical 성분을 연구, 개발 및 공급하는 데 전념해 온 중국의 선도적인 생명 공학 회사입니다.자사의 생산은 ISO, HACCP 및 기타 품질 기준에 따라 조직되어 있으며, EU EC396, EU 2023/915 및 최고 용매 잔류 기준을 준수하는 업계 최고 수준의 국제 표준을 구현합니다.그린스프링은 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000 등과 같은 많은 인증을 획득하였습니다.



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    캐 스 가 없다.




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    White 결정 성 분말

    농약 잔류 물을

    (EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다



    EU 규정에 부합한다.

    견적을 찾고 계십니까?


    0 Glycemic

    GI, or Glycemic index, reflects to some extent the speed and ability of food to raise blood sugar. Although it is called “sugar”, L-arabinose produces no calories after being ingested by the human body! L-arabinose itself has a zero GI, and it can also reduce the GI value of sucrose. L-Arabinose itself has zero GI and also reduces the GI value of sucrose. Since L-Arabinose has zero GI, it does not require insulin to metabolize it, so it does not cause fluctuations in blood glucose after consumption. Smooth blood sugar value has a positive effect on the prevention of diabetes.


    Controls Elevated Blood Sugar

    As a low-calorie sugar, arabinose inhibits the rise in blood sugar caused by the ingestion of sucrose. Therefore, it can inhibit obesity and prevent and treat diseases related to high blood sugar. For people with type 2 diabetes, consuming L arabinose while taking hypoglycemic medication can help to improve the lowering of blood sugar.


    Prevention of Constipation

    According to a study in Japan, women with a tendency to constipation who added 3% L-arabinose to sucrose and added it to beverages such as black tea and took it continuously had a significant increase in the number of bowel movements per week. According to a test conducted by Mitsuwa Starch Co., Ltd, the intake of cane sugar with 5% added arabinose can also effectively promote the growth of bifidobacteria. L-arabinose itself is a sugar that is difficult to be absorbed by the digestive tract, and the unused portion of the sugar in the body can be excreted in the urine.


    Control of Sucrose Absorption

    The most representative physiological effect of L-arabinose is that it selectively affects the sucrase enzyme in the small intestine, thus inhibiting the absorption of sucrose. Adding 3.5% L-arabinose to sucrose can inhibit the absorption of sucrose by 60 to 70%, and increase the blood glucose value by about 50% less.


    Improve Intestinal Flora

    Arabinose is recognized worldwide and certified by many countries as one of the best foods to replenish bifidobacteria (probiotics). Sugar provides a nutritional source for intestinal probiotics and rapidly proliferates intestinal probiotics. With long-term consumption, the intestinal flora and intestinal environment can be improved.


    Liver Protection

    Clinical research results show that L-arabinose can improve the liver's metabolic conversion of excessive pick-up of ethanol, prompting the conversion of ethanol an acetaldehyde an acetic acid, and further decomposition into non-toxic water and carbon dioxide, so it has the effect of detoxification of alcohol and liver protection.


    Regulation of Lipid Metabolism 

    L Arabinose regulates the value of intestinal flora. It regulates cholesterol levels in humans and animals by modulating bile acid metabolism, increasing fecal cholesterol excretion, decreasing cholesterol absorption, and selectively fermenting short-chain fatty acids.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    L arabinose can be used as a pharmaceutical excipient and filler due to its stable structure, good heat resistance, no heat, and sweetness similar to sucrose. For example, it is used in different dosage forms such as syrup, tablet, etc. L-arabinose is an important intermediate for synthesizing pharmaceuticals and can be used to synthesize cytidine, adenosine, D-ribose, L-ribose, deoxyribose, etc. It can also be used to synthesize nucleoside antiviral drugs. It can also be used to synthesize nucleoside antiviral drugs.


    In the Food Field:

    L arabinose can inhibit the elevation of blood glucose in the human body, with a more flavorful taste, as well as improve product quality and extend shelf life. It has good applications in the confectionery and chocolate industry. The molecular structure of L arabinose is relatively stable and can not be decomposed at high temperatures, so it can be used in baked goods. Arabinose is also used as a sweetener to directly and partially replace sucrose.

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