만 난 올리고당 분말 90%
시험 방법:HPLC
외관:백색 미세한 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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Mannan 올리고당 분말 이란?
Mannan oligosaccharide, 다당류 활성 물질 효모 세포 벽,에서 추출 되는 결합에 의해 형성 된 mannose와 포도당을 통해 glycosidic 본드의 α-1, 6, α-1, 2, α-1, 3, 등등.만노즈올리고당은 만난올리고당, 올리고만코라고도 하며 곤약가루, 과어검, 메뚜기콩검 등에 널리 함유되어 있으며 많은 미생물의 세포벽 내에 있다.저발열, 안정성, 안전성, 무독성 등 물리화학적 특성이 우수하고, 또한 장관을 보호하고 면역력을 향상시켜 사료산업에서 사료첨가제로 널리 사용되고 있다.
Green Spring 기술 공급만 난 올리고당 분말 90%, 약간 달콤한 맛과 옅은 향기, 그리고 열량이 거의 제로에 가까운 백색 분말입니다.식품과 보건품의 원료로 사용되고 있다.
2000년에 설립된 그린스프링은 천연, 안전한, 유기농 식물 추출물을 고객에게 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.당사의 제품은 EC396, 2023/915, 최고 용매 잔류 기준 등 국제 최고 기준에 따라 제조됩니다.우리의 제품은 할랄, 코셔, 코스모스, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 등에 의해 인증됩니다.
제품 이름
Mannan Oligosaccharide 분말
시험 방법
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Enhancement of Immunity
Manno-oligosaccharides can act as co-factors for immune stimulation and regulate the cellular and humoral immune systems. In addition, mannan oligosaccharide can stimulate the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the body and promote the secretion of antibodies.
Adsorption of Pathogenic Bacteria
Adsorption of pathogenic bacteria is one of the most central functions of mannan oligosaccharides, and the structure of mannan oligosaccharides affects adsorption capacity. Normally, pathogenic bacteria bind to epithelial cells by recognizing specific polysaccharide receptors through hyphae.
Common pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, and other type I bacterial hairs with mannose-sensitive haemagglutinating bacterial hairs, which need to specifically recognize mannose-like receptors on the surface of intestinal cells, to colonize the intestinal tract and trigger infections. Therefore, the mannan oligosaccharide added in the feed can be used as a "bait" to adsorb these pathogenic bacteria, thus effectively preventing the pathogenic bacteria from colonizing the intestinal tract, reducing the risk of infection, and maintaining the intestinal health of animals.
Manno-oligosaccharides increase probiotic microbes as well as immobilize and remove pathogens associated with chronic systemic inflammation of the digestive system. Inflammatory processes play an important role in the regulation of the brain-gut axis, including the maintenance of male reproductive function and spermatogenesis and the regulation of stress. Manno-oligosaccharides may improve cognition, memory, and behavior in mice by restoring gut flora composition and short-chain fatty acid production and maintaining gut barrier function to reduce beta-amyloid accumulation in the brain, inhibit neuroinflammation, balance redox status, and modulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Regulate Intestinal Flora
Manno-oligosaccharides promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria, form micro-ecological competitive advantage, and inhibit pathogenic bacteria, thus improving animal health; also directly bind with certain surface substances of pathogenic bacteria, so that they can not obtain the nutrients needed for growth and starvation death.
Lowering Blood Glucose and Blood Lipids
Zhou Z. et al. reported that mannan in yeast cell walls can significantly increase the expression of low-density lipoprotein receptors and inhibit the expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A in mouse liver. This suggests that mannan can regulate the expression of related genes and thus reduce the blood glucose and lipid levels in the organism.
For Healthcare Products:
Manno-oligosaccharides can selectively provide energy to the beneficial intestinal bacteria and help them to proliferate, promoting intestinal and human health. Oligomannose powder is a high quality prebiotic, and in 2013, the Chinese Health Planning Commission approved Oligomannose as a new food ingredient.
For Feed Product:
Manno-oligosaccharides are immunogenic and can stimulate antigen presentation, increase cytokine levels in the blood and the number of immune cells, and enhance the body's immune function. Adding mannan oligosaccharide powder to feed can help rebuild animal gut microbes, enhance gut microbial diversity, improve gut morphology and intestinal health, modulate the immune system, and enhance nutrient supply and utilization. With the restriction of antibiotic use, mannan oligosaccharide is considered a favorable alternative to antibiotic growth promoters, which can reduce antibiotic resistance improve animal growth performance and health and increase farming profitability in a safe, natural and effective way.
Mannan Oligosaccharide 분말 90% COA