크실리톨 분말 98%
캐 스 아니.:87-99-0
시험 방법:HPLC
외관:백색 결정 성 분말
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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자일리톨 파우더 (자 일리 톨 가루) 란?
자일리톨은 자크로스와 비슷한 단맛과 백설탕과 비슷한 맛을 내는 천연 감미료다.크실리톨은 모든 종류의 식물, 자작나무, 옥수수 꼬막에서 자연에서 널리 발견되고, 배가스는 더 높은 내용을 가지고 있기 때문에 크실리톨의 생산은 주로 원료로 이것들을 기반으로 합니다.
자일리톨의 화학 구조는 5 탄소의 단당류인 포도당과 과당과 비슷하다.히드록시기 (OH) 가 설탕과 반대 방향으로 향한다는 점에서 다른 특징을 가지고 있다.
자일리톨은 달콤하고 상쾌한 맛을 내는 백색의 결정성 분말의 모습을하고 있으며, 단맛은 자크로스와 견줄 만하지만 자크로스의 열량은 약 40%에 불과하다.자일리톨은 물에 잘 녹지만 에탄올과 메탄올에는 덜 녹는다.자일리톨의 녹는점은 섭씨 94~97 도이고 끓는점은 섭씨 215~217 도이며 열안정성이 좋고 산과 알칼리에 의해 쉽게 분해되지 않는다.
자일리톨은 칼로리가 낮고, 몸 &에 참여하는 데 인슐린을 요구하지 않습니다#39;s 대사, 그리고 그것은 인슐린 분비를 촉진 할 수 있습니다.크실리톨은 당뇨병을위한 영양 보충제, 간 질환을위한 보조 영양 보충제 및 무설탕 식품에 사용할 수 있습니다.
녹색 Spring 기술 용품크실리톨 분말 98%, 안정적인 특성과 좋은 용해도를 가진 백색 미세 분말입니다.물에 녹으며, 강수가 없이 맑고 투명하다.이 자일리톨 분말은 식품 가공에 널리 이용되었습니다.
녹색 봄은 2000년 설립돼 고기능성 식물추출물, 영양성분, 뉴트럴 성분 등을 공급해 온 중국 대표 생명공학 기업이다.녹색 Spring은 Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000 등과 같은 많은 인증을 획득했습니다.8개의 인증서, 7개의 특허를 보유하고 있으며 제품은 전세계 62개국 이상에서 판매되고 있으며 2450개 이상의 고객에게 서비스를 제공하며 호평을 받고 있습니다.
제품 이름
Xylitol Powder
캐 스 가 없다.
시험 방법
White 결정 성 분말
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Fight Against Bacterial Infection
Xylitol not only inhibits oral bacteria, but also some other bacteria such as Candida albicans and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Candida albicans is a common fungus that can cause candidiasis, such as infections of the mouth, vagina, and skin. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common bacteria that can cause respiratory infections such as pneumonia, otitis media, and pharyngitis. Xylitol can interfere with the attachment and growth of these bacteria, reducing the likelihood of infection.
Good Bio-Stability
Xylitol belongs to five-carbon sugar alcohols, different from glucose and other biological easily absorbed six-carbon sugar alcohols, and can not be fermented by bacteria to generate lactic acid, for microorganisms belong to the bad medium, so the products made of xylitol as raw material, not easy to mold, shelf life is longer, easy to store.
Good Compatibility
Xylitol has no aldehyde and ketone groups in its structure and is relatively stable to heat, acid alkali, etc. It belongs to substances with strong inertia and can be used with various salts, esters, and alcohols without chemical reaction in the middle. In clinical medicine, xylitol has been proved that it can be used in combination with nearly one hundred kinds of medicines and does not affect the efficacy of medicines within the shelf-life.
In terms of molecular structure, xylitol, and its derivatives have multiple hydroxyl (-OH) structures, which can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, which can be interpreted as a strong attraction, thus explaining xylitol's moisturizing and water-absorbing capacity. It promotes the formation of natural moisturizing factors (NMF), facilitates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the epidermis, and optimizes intercellular exchanges as well as the flow of adjacent water. It also promotes the hydration of water channel proteins, which act like an elevator to transport water from the deeper layers of the skin to the surface of the skin, and xylitol smoothes this process.
In the Food Field:
Xylitol is a polyol characterized by low calorific value, high sweetness, and white crystals. It has high solubility in aqueous solution and is not susceptible to Meladic reaction at high temperatures. Xylitol powder has been widely used in the food field. The use of xylitol in baked goods does not produce heat and has a sweet flavor. Sugar-free cake with liquid xylitol does not undergo a Meladic browning reaction after baking, has a lighter surface color, and has a better taste. Adding xylitol to yogurt can promote the proliferation of bifidobacteria, the digestion and absorption of nutrients, and improve human immunity.
In Pharmaceutical:
Xylitol powder is used as a non-caries-inducing sweetener in a variety of pharmaceutical dosage forms, including tablets, syrups, and coated preparations, and it is also widely used as a substitute for sucrose in food and confectionery. Xylitol is also becoming more common in chewing gums, mouthwashes, and kinds of toothpaste due to its ability to reduce plaque and dental erosion (caries).
Unlike sucrose, xylitol does not ferment to produce the acidic end-products that lead to dental caries and has been shown to prevent dental caries by inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans. Xylitol's sweetness is comparable to that of sucrose, while the dissolution of the crystals produces a distinctly cool sensation, making it effective in improving the taste of tablets and syrups and masking the undesirable taste or bitterness of certain medications and excipients.
크실리톨 분말 98% COA