바닐린 EX 페룰산 천연 99%
제품명:바닐린 EX 페룰산 천연
시험 방법:HPLC
외모:백색 가루
잔류농약:(EC) No 396/2005기준을 준수합니다
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바닐린 EX 페룰산 천연이란?
바닐린 EX 페룰산 천연은 Ferulic Acid를 기질과 생명공학을 이용하여 미생물의 형질전환으로 생산된 천연 바닐린입니다.유럽연합 (eu) 정부가 승인한 전통 공정인 바이오 발효를 통해 비 gmo 쌀겨기름에서 추출한 천연 원료인 페룰산 (Ferulic Acid)으로 만들어진다.그것은 유럽 연합 &을 만난다#39;의 정의 천연 맛.
일반적으로,vanillin 파우더천연, 화학적으로 합성된, 그리고 생명공학적으로 준비된 세 가지 원천에서 이용할 수 있습니다.원료와 합성 과정에 따라 바닐린은 천연물 또는 합성물로 분류할 수 있다.그 중 자연 및 생물 기술로 생산된 바닐린 (페룰산을 기질로 하는) 분말은 세계 대부분의 식품 안전 당국에 의해 식품 등급 첨가제로 간주됩니다.
Green Spring Technology는 천연 페룰산 (쌀알 원료)으로 만들어진 바닐린 EX 페룰산 천연 99%를 생물 전환, 정화, 원심 분리, 건조, 시비, 금속 검출 및 기타 공정을 거쳐 공급합니다.천연 맛의 유럽, 미국 등 시장의 요구에 맞춰 천연 페룰산 (쌀겨 원료)으로 만든다.안정적이고 상당한 달콤하고 크리미한 바닐라 맛과 향을 가지고 있습니다.
Green Spring은 항상 천연, 안전 및 유기농 식물 추출물을 고객에게 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.우리가 제공하는 모든 제품은 EU EC396, EU 2023/915 및 최고 용매 잔류 표준을 준수하는 최고 국제 산업 표준에 맞게 제조됩니다.우리는 할랄, 코셔, 코스모스, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO 인증.권위 있는 제3자 테스트 보고서를 사용할 수 있습니다.
제품 이름
Vanillin EX Ferulic Acid Natural
캐 스 가 없다.
시험 방법
하얀 가루
농약 잔류 물을
(EC) No 396/2005 표준을 준수합니다
EU 규정에 부합한다.
견적을 찾고 계십니까?Benefits:
Moon et al. proved that the bacteriostatic effect of natural vanillin was related to its concentration and pH value, and higher vanillin concentration and lower pH value were conducive to improving the bacteriostatic effect of vanillin. The bacteriostatic effect of natural vanillin on different bacterial species is different, compared with other bacterial species, the bacteriostatic effect of vanillin on Escherichia coli is better. Vanillin has an inhibitory effect on many kinds of yeasts, a high concentration of vanillin is helpful to improve its inhibitory effect, but a high concentration of vanillin can not kill yeast instantly.
Structurally similar antioxidants have different mechanisms of action. Vanillin powder accelerates the scavenging of free radicals, mainly through the oxidation product vanillic acid, and its antioxidant effect significantly extends the shelf-life of oily foods and masks their rancid flavor. Vanillin's isomer, o-vanillin (2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde), has been shown to scavenge peroxynitrite anions but is not a very good free radical scavenger.
Stabilization of Other Components in Food
Yuan Lingfang et al. added vanillin to natural flavoring and proved that on the basis of not changing the chemical composition of osmanthus essential oil, vanillin effectively retarded the volatilization of osmanthus essential oil and improved the quality of food. It has been proved that the reaction products of vanillin can help to stabilize other ingredients in food: resveratrol is encapsulated in the reticular chitosan microspheres formed after the reaction between vanillin and chitosan, which can help to control the release of resveratrol; and the condensation products of vanillin and amine have the good ability to complex with metal ions, which can effectively improve the stability of the substances encapsulated by them.
In the Food Field:
Vanillin powder is an edible flavouring agent with vanilla bean aroma and a strong milky fragrance, which is an important and indispensable raw material in the food additive industry. Widely used in a variety of needs to increase the milky aroma of flavouring food, such as cakes, cold drinks, chocolate, candy, biscuits, instant noodles, and bread, as well as tobacco, flavouring alcohol, toothpaste, soap, perfume and cosmetics, ice cream, beverages, and daily-use cosmetics in the role of aroma and fixed aroma. It can also be used in soaps, toothpaste, perfumes, rubber, plastics and pharmaceuticals. Conforms to FCCIV standards.
In Chemicals:
Natural vanillin can be added to detergents, soaps, moisturizers, and other daily cosmetics as a flavoring agent to enhance the aroma and taste of the products.
In Pharmaceutical:
Vanillin powder is also a good drug carrier that can be used to produce drugs such as antibiotics, sedatives, and fungicides.
In Cosmetics:
Natural vanillin is used as a powdered fragrance ingredient in fruit fragrances to enhance various fruit components (e.g. pear and peach). It can also be synthesized into floral notes, such as asparagus and orchid, which contain strong vanilla notes. Floral fragrances such as rose, orange blossom, and yellow daffodil, bring warmth and elegance. It has been used in perfumery and cosmetics.
바닐린 EX 페룰산 천연 COA